Dymo tape

I´ve heard that dymo tape is great to use as a ruler for scribbing panels, I ´ve been looking to get one but there are so many types that i dont know the what is best for this matter. Can you help me with this or do you have a better way to work ?



Just regular Dymo 1/4" or whatever tape refills…you don’t need the gun or anything. Cut a strip with scissors; you may need to use a hobby knife to separate the backing. Apply to the surface. It works very well for straight panel lines on flat or curved surfaces of sufficient radius. Scribe lightly, being careful not to press against the tape hard enough to move it.

Good luck…

Buy the embossing tape, (the type used in the guns that produce raised white lettering on the tape) not the “paper” tape for the label printers that print black on the background colour.

Ditto to the above. I have used it once or twice with some success but I need the two “P’s” - Practice & Patience[:D]

It does work fine. Like everything else, it just takes practice. Good Luck.

The old Dymo label makers are rapidly becoming Dinosaurs in this Hi-Tech world. The local Office Max no longer sells them. I bought all of the tape they had in stock several months ago & they haven’t restocked. But I figure I now have a 2 lifetime supply [:D].

Regards, Rick

I still see it a lot Rick at Wal-Mart I believe.
There are other brands of plastic tape that just might work also.

Thanks a lot,

I found it here in Portugal, bought some and it really works !!!

Once more, thank you for your kind responses


There is an Offce Max store closing near me and I got what they had left, 12 rolls (thats 144’) today. And since I split it down the middle… 288 feet of Dymo should last a little while.

I bought a package of the new line relieftapes from Dymo and these seem to be more flexibel than the older version tapes, which are thicker and stiffer.


Wal Mart does indeed carry the old school Dymo tape. They have in sets of 1,2 and 4 rolls per package… sometimes I see sets of 6 rolls of various colors…