Dragon Ta154 warning...

If you check out their site, Dragon claims that their 1/48th Ta154 is “NEWLY tooled”. However, when I compared it to my old Revell Pro-Modeler kit, it is EXACTLY the same, down to the sprue markings ( except the logo). The only real differences are the inclusion of PE for 2 Lichtenstein radars and a nose to do the pre-production version. IF you already have the PM version, you might not want to buy this one.


That’s what I feared when the kit was announced. What Gall to advertize it as a " 3 in 1". Won’t be adding this one to the collection.

Regards, Rick

The ALL NEW part on their site is what made me mad. If they would have left that out, I might have asked more questions before buying it. Oh well, live and learn

I have never gotten either kit, and dont know how well the original kit was. But, other than the obvious false advertising, do the new photo etched parts and decals make the kit worth it still?

It’s a decent kit. If you do not have either, the Dragon boxing is the way to go. Only costs a couple dollars more, but includes the PE (also PE instrument panels) and 3 options as oposed to one for the Pro Modeler kit

How do they get away with claiming that it’s “Newly Tooled” when it isn’t? [tdn]

Now thats dirty pool!

Wasn’t the Dragon/Pro-Modeller originally the TriMaster kit?
