Dragon IV E error?

In his review on the new Dragon 2cm Flak on PMMS Terry Ashley stated:

“What we have unfortunately is another Panzer IVE with plenty of excellent details but marred by a major dimensional error to frustrate the hell out those who care.”

I just reread the glowing review of the kit and have looked at it and my references and am puzzled as to his statement.

Can anyone fill me in on what the error in the IVE might be?

Could be the fenders. Dragon claims to have something special with the detail on the under side of them. A modeler on a different forum who works with metals says he has never seen anything like it in real life and doubts the Germans really made it like that.

Thanks John,

though if this the case, I am still puzzled as the kit comes with two sets of fenders, PE and plastic. My interpretation of the statement was that it must have something to do with the actual shape of the hull/chasis/turret etc. Though as I said - from my references it looks pretty spot on to me



Actually it has to do with the thickness of the metal and the manufactoring process. I’ve worked around a lot of old and antique truck and oil field equipment. A lot of tread plate, depending on thickness, was stamped or rolled. Thin metal was stamped, getting a reverse pattern on the bottom. The thicker stuff was rolled, hence, treadplate on one side, smooth on the other.

I looked at my references for the Pz III/IV varients, and you can’t really tell whats under there. So to me, it dosen’t really matter about the fenders. I think they look cool. As for somebody finding something to grinch about, who cares. It looks like a Pz IV to me and thats good enough.


There are a few miniscule “problems” but the most prominent error is the position of the drive sprocket, it is located a few millimeters too low. This along with the other errors has been fixed in the new Vorpanzer Pz IV E.

The fender “problem” has been shown to not be an error, it just apparently was not a very common treadplate pattern.


Hi Guys,

Additional information and scrutiny of the kit reveals a few major and minor dimensional issues.
The most prominent being the drive sprockets which are positioned about 2mm too low on the hull, the angles of the turret front plate are slightly off and the position of the Glacis inspection hatches slightly too far back.
Others include the open intake on the right hull superstructure that isn’t applicable to the Ausf.E and a number of smaller details.

All of the above issues have been addressed in the new Panzer IV Ausf.E “Vorpanzer” (kit #6301) which has over 30 alterations and corrections from the parts in the first kit (# 6264).

Terry A


Thanks for the prompt response and clarifying the errors.

I have a few other kits to finish before I begin on this one, I am not much of a rivet counter, so I can live with the fact that Dragon have put out a IV E that looks like a IV E and has given me enough spares to detail my Italeri IVF2

(Love your work 2 BTW)

