Dragon Can-do 1/144 armor

Well today I was in my local hobby shop and lo and behold I saw some Dragon Can-do armor. Since it is a decent looking model, I bought it. My first impression was “Thats the first time a King Tiger’s ever looked cute.” At about 1 1/2" its a King that could fit up my nose. So what are your thoughts on these mini-marvels?

I’m going to redo my entire (somewhat limited) Micro Armor collection in 144 scale.

Just curious! Are these kits? Or pre-builts?
Just think how many you could paint with a small jar of paint!


Hi, folks!
These and the Kaiyodo 1/144 armor series have been out for a while over here. They’re pre-built, and they’re on sale at convenience stores (they come with candy or gum!) for around $2 US.
Nicely detailed little tanks, wide selection, and the aftermarket industry has jumped in with decal sets and other goodies, for those who want to repaint.