Does Liquid Cement haze clear parts when drying?

I’ve read that attaching canopies with superglue results in a haze due to vapours evaporating from the glue. Does this occur with Liquid Cement or is it safe to go ahead with this?

Thanks in advance!

It can be just as bad as CA. Best thing to use is clear parts cement (I use Testors) or possibly regular white glue.

Liquid cement is much worse than superglue in this regard. Use white glue, Micro Crystal Klear, Future, or equivalent.

Coating the clear part with Future can help prevent haze from CA.

Thanks for the advice guys. I decided to give Testors Clear Parts Cement a try, although I had to buy their entire finishing kit 'cause that’s the only place I’ve seen it lol.

I’ve super-glued a few canopies with favorable results. The key is to use as little as possible. The Testors stuff is good… I use it too, however sometimes a canopy needs some manhandling to stay in place, and super glue does it for me.

When I use CA around clear parts, I usually get a white, crusty buildup around the edges, not nice.