Do you go through phazes?

Or do you continue at a steady pace, never taking a break?

I’ve seen a lot of people that “come back” to the modelling hobby after a break that is sometimes years long. I, myself, have done this. For various reasons I just stopped building one day. Then about seven years later picked it up again. And since I’ve really wondered why I stopped to begin with.

So, do all modelers experiance this?

I can’t remember ever not wanting to build. None of my hiatuses (hiatii??[%-)]) were voluntary—all were a matter of necessity or practicality.

how long do you concider a break

more than a week ,month, etc…

Isn’t Hiatii an island in the Caribbean? [:o)]

Like Ross pointed out, life has a tendency to interrupt hobbies at times. My work life and home life has reached a point where I can devote more time to ME, and therefore my hobbies. Even then I go through stages of rampant building and moments where I don’t touch a kit. Ebb and flow of life!

Yes… in 2005 (4/05 & 6/05) I lost two members of my immediate family when I was within a couple weeks of finishing my lighted 1/570th Titanic diorama, and I haven’t touched anything since that time. Just had too much on my mind to concentrate, but I now find myself going through the boxes, dry fitting etc, so it’s coming back. [:)]

It’s getting more frustrating to look at my “To-Do” stack just sitting there… or playing with the two that are close to being finished, Titanic & '71 “Marty Robbins” Dodge Charger. One of these days I’ll dive back into it… (like when the new Italeri 1/48 Chinook is released!!!) [;)] [:D]

Take care, and you’re not alone. [:)]


I started modeling when I was laidup with an injury at the age of 8 years old. I modeled until I was about 14 or 15 and traded in my plastic car modeling for working on the real deal.

This past fall my 10 year old son wanted a model car kit and asked me to help him with it. Well, I’m back at it again and building a stash. With all the things that life throws our way, I don’t always have time to sit and have fun. Sometimes a few weeks go by before I can sit for a few hours in front of a project. But I’m getting older, the wifes “honey-do list” is getting smaller, so hopefully I’ll find more hobby time.

Hey wait… I could have been building instead of reading the forum. [banghead]

Yeah, I noticed that, myself…but this is fun, too!

Oldhooker—my sympathies, been there. It does come back.

Yeah at about the 3/4 point of the project (usually seam cleaning before painting) i let up. But then I start opening boxes and looking at parts. i do that for about a week lol. Stupid distractions!

I imagine we all have our moments where it starts to get boring or seeming more like a chore than a hobby, I know I do (Please don’t stone me to death!) and that is the best time to walk away and do something else for awhile. Last night I put two decals on a model I have had going for awhile now and that was ok, oh and I brushed some future on cause I didn’t feel like breaking out the A/B and then cleaning it! I know, I’m lazy [:D] Since I have gone back to work, I only get a few hours a night to work on them, and that time seems to fly by, usually with no chance of getting anything done, but its ok, cause the kits aren’t going anywhere and I know when I feel like working on them, it will be fun, not boring. Don’t be afraid to walk away, sometimes its a must, there is no harm in taking a break from something. I probalby won’t even touch my model until this weekend when I get my compressor, and then I will be all keyed up to try it out, so I might get something done? Who knows, no deadlines, so I don’t care [:D]

I have never really stopped building but I think al modellers go through phazes of inactivity.

I myself have recently moved, so all my modelling stuff is boxed up. I haven’t done any serious modelling the past month, but I know that it will get beter once I am fully setteld in my new home.

Man, I’m the same way.

Sometimes it’s seems like too much of a chore to bring out the AB, dig for the right grade of sandpaper, find the right brush etc etc. Thats the point when it’s time to take a break.

But then its right back at it until it happens again.

Peace bruthas