Diorama “Somewhere In Europe…1944” using Master Box’s figure set having the same name
- By “Art Instructor”:
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Comments and suggestions are welcome!
Diorama “Somewhere In Europe…1944” using Master Box’s figure set having the same name
For more pics please try my latest page:
Comments and suggestions are welcome!
Overall I like it. The horses are nicely painted as well as the cart. The water looks great, but a bit too clear and blue, making it look more like the Pacific Ocean, rather than a muddy stream/ditch.
EDIT: The cart looks a little bare with nothing in the back as well.
This one’s actually not bad. Story wise, I’d think these guys would be hitching a ride and I wouldn’t want to walk that close to the edge of the bridge, but otherwise, it’s okay.
The figures and the cart are all part of the set by MB. Its a nice set with alot of diorama potential.
Mike T.
Pretty nice job, but I think the horses’ eyes are lifeless.
Now everyone post pics of yer horses I think moving everything toward the left side of the bridge would be really easy to do and would look better. The bridge also has some blue from the water on its legs but could also be easily taken care of, and some gloss black would really help the horses eyes. This is a nice looking kit overall, but could be much better with a few easy fixes.
I have read quite a bit on AI work for MM on similar MM threads on dioramas etc and would like to offer a thought on this work which is afterall the purpose of this thread.
Regardless of who made the model a couple of extra things that we could all learn from apart from that mentioned in previous posts is this:
1] In my experience of wooden bridges in oldish structures there is wearing of the wood where the bridge stops and the roadway/track starts. In a newish bridge this would not be the case.
2] When the tyre/rim of the wagon/vehicle leaves a hardish surface and interfaces with a softer material, like the roadway, a bounce occurs which chews or wears down the softer surface leaving a hollow or track to form. This results in puddles etc in rainy weather.
3] If the bridge timber has been exposed to the elements/weather for some time the wood changers colour, maybe bleaches out etc. Allso the wood would attract dirt which in turn may attract seeds etc which may add a bit of green stuff or lichen and moss.
Quite often soils have sand, maybe pumice and the likes which cause general wear and tear etc.
I think that we can all learn from what others say about all kinds of models, I know that I do.
The one thing about MM and AI is that examples are being produced which is more than what I am currently doing so I applaud them for that.[#dots]
The major made some very good points. Also the horses overall look too drab. But for the whole scene, I really like it.
Thanks so much for every comments, most of them are insightful and I tend to agree with. But I think AI has done his best for this one and I like it very much.
BTW, aj’s comments is perhaps the best that AI has ever gotten from him. That’s a thing to celebrate…