Did Someone think ships aren't Loved ? Must've been Me !!

Hi Y’all !

Here’s one for you . Did you know you can fill a Pick-Up truck with reference materials on Planes ? And , a minivan with Armor and Softskin info ? How about this ? An eighteen wheeler with the same about Autos and Trucks and Warships .

Now to the meat of this post .I went to my Library referrence department for info on a certain type of ship .No , not a warship either .Nada , Nothing and Zilch !

Now I could find a reasonable amount of info on WW-II ships . Very Generic though .Specialty or specific shallow water craft , again Nada , Nothing and Zilch .

Civilian vessels above a certain tonnage and type , NO Way ! This even applies to sail ! Sure there was some Bios on the various yards and builders , but the vessels themselves , Nope ! Lakes Freighters Not Much either .

We had in this country ,one time , a sure source of info in Libraries even on Micro-Fiche . Not so today . Does no one in America like ships ? I don’t mean those floating White Boxes with " Theme Parks " they call Cruise Ships either!

As an old Salt and Deepwater ship Captain I feel sorry for the Captains on these crossbreed things ! A ship is supposed to be designed to get it’s cargo and passengers to foreign shores safely . How many times have you seen a News show come up with a blurb about a Box ship losing it’s boxes or a " Cruise Ship " getting flooding in passenger areas in what were bad seas yes, but shouldnt have affected deepwater vessels passenger safety in their cabins or public spaces ! Or even running aground and rolling over !( This does not , nor is it intended to disparage the memory of those lost on the " Costa Concordia ) !

Now , back to referrences .Type in U.S.S.Lafayette/Normandie and all you get is the stories about this magnificient ship’s demise .Type in M.V.Canadiana and more than likely you may get articles or a story about some small cruise ship from the nineties .Not the Real Ship ! Never Mind the Titanic , there’s more than enough about her . Freight and Liquid Bulk ships and Fleet Support vessels or Victories are not available except in limited amounts and that rare . Sail ships .There’s as many reference books on the U.S.S.Constitution as there are Chevies on the Highway it seems . This goes for the Flying Cloud/Cutty Sark types too .There were many that weren’t history making But were in their own way World Making .How about a Knarr or a Cog .Nuttin to speak of .

Now when It comes to pleasure boats from the ubiqutious Pram to the Luxury Monsters with Engines .Don’t hold your breath ! There isn’t one good book I’ve found on a sea-Going Thompson or Richardson or yeah ,even a Blue water Chris Craft either . Never mind Owens and others . Now I am deleting " Plastic ’ boats here .The real Classic yachts didn’t have any of that material on board . And like cars they certainly had at one time a distinct personality ! I never understood why Yachts had to go the way of Cars. You Know , Mega - Pods !

There’s something to be said about the warm feel of even painted wood . Steel ships now , here’s a whole bunch of areas to get upset about . Plenty of warships , of all nations . Freight ships Uhhh , Some, but not in popular scales .and darned few of those . A Container Ship . If you can fine it the Revell container at 1/700 . References , Nope !

Tankers of any flag and year, Nope .Stick ( ships with Masts and Booms ) Freighters Nope .And Victories are in that bunch. The C-3 from the fifties and the Subsequent versions coming into the eighties and nineties . Nope

There’s plenty of info on Liberties , but their replacements ( the Victory Ship ) Nope .Beer and Specialty spoilable tankers , and various Dry cargos types .Very little information available at all . granted you can go to various sites and get plans for building a model but try and then get concise info on the ship you want to build .rare to impossible to find !

It seems that here in the good old U.S.A , the Coast lines and the great Ports and what they depended on ( SHIPS ) don’t seem to want to remember them . It’s sad too . You do realise that if the Vikings or even a lone Irishman in a skin and frame boat coming here and wanting others to do the same , didn’t show them how , Boats would’ve remained Logs or Rafts a lot longer !

Many engineering and hull design forms relied on the right hull and tophouse design to make them work from the first Sail and Mast to the latest Diesel Electric Azipod propelled monster ! Where’s the info that a neophyte can access that isn’t reliant on type and year to get an answer on line .Where’s the Books and Tomes of ships period ? let me know willya .Oh , being a member of the Nautical Research Guild doesn’t count either ! T.B. Here

Interesting read T.B.

I’m going to hazard a guess that if you went to the library in Corpus, Brownsville or Houston it’d be different.

But, yes. I live in a fishing town, sort of next door anyways, and all the old timers are Sicilians. Lots and lots of history available but not a lot about the boats.

Our maritime museum shut down some years ago for lack of interest, which inevitably leads to a lack of funding.

Now, up in the big City we have a National Park, the National Maritime Park and Museum.

That place, wow and well curated too. But it’s a day’s journey.

I’ve said before, I model in order to have an excuse to buy books. My latest find- Friedman’s US Cruisers, an Illustrated History.

Because, well, there’s a Cleveland, a Brooklyn and an Atlanta on the ways.

I guess it’s because they’re mundane, they do their job, then do it again. There’s not a lot of refrence material on Simi trucks either, unless you go the the local truck stop and take some pictures. Unless they have been involved in an event, then…They’re just part of the scenery. No one gets excited about a container ship sitting in a port (unless you get up close and feel it’s size) but a carrier! now that’s something.

Sorry TB, that’s just the way of the world. I tell people I plan on going to the Reno Air Races this year and I get blank stares, if I were to say I’m going to next seasions Super Bowl…you get the idea. It all depends on what people are intrested in.

Yeah ;

I guess you are right .You’d be surprised how many folks were surprised they raced Unlimited Hydros on Lake Washington in Seattle too .

It used to be that ship reference material was more common than aircraft or other genre. Used to be a lot of scratch ship builders. There still is an amazing amount of ship, even with Taubman’s gone. Keep looking. I think cars are about the hardest thing to get good 3-views for. A lot of the ship stuff is from England. I guess they do a lot of scratch ships there.

I was there… in the 70’s. So , I can tell you the storie;s are TRUE ! They did indeed race Unlimited’s on lake Washington. ( That’s why I’m so desparate to find a 1/25 scale Hydroplane… I’m trying to re-create my misspent youth.)

Hi LittleTimmy !

The only one I know of is AMT’s old offering .Mucho Bucks at show vendors .Not seen often on the " Bay " either . I never understood what happened there unless sales were very poor . They could’ve overcome the nuts who thought because it said Miss Budweiser on it we would start drinking beer at ten !

They could’ve put Chevrolet on her and still had a seller ! There is an old wood one out there But , I haven’t seen it lately , It’s An old Dumas kit about 1/32 or bigger . I wish I could be more help for you T.B.

Love the unlimited hydros! I lived in Detroit, and the Silver Cup used to be run every year on the Detroit River. Went to watch it several times- awesome, especially the sound!

I have the Miss Budwieser kit under way, but stalled- the decals in the kit were press-on vinyl, and trying to make real water slide decals. Also have a scratch Tempo under way, using an engine from another Miss Bud kit


I guess I can safely assume that your unlimiteds are wood ? T.B.