This is a 1/9 scale bust from Young Miniatures, which I would not hesitate to recommend to anyone thinking of trying a bust. It came in about 5 pieces, all crisply molded with hardly any seams at all. My copy had no pin holes, scratches or any other problems associated with resin figures. Also included were two nameplates suitable for mounting on an appropriate base once it’s all finished (which I have yet to do). You also get your choice of hat, one each for a different regiment. I painted him up using enamels (humbrol) and artist’s oils in about 12 hours total. A quick build, and a lot of fun too. I would welcome your comments and criticisms of course. Cheers.
Great work! I can’t see any thing wrong with it. Very nice work.
Excellent work ghamilt1, thanks for sharing
Oh My he’s very nice. The older uniforms were certainly something.
Very nice!
Unfortunately, I can not find informations about Young Miniatures.
Is this a French death hussar? Austrian? Hungarian?
Thanks everyone, I’m glad you liked him. Michel, I am pretty sure he’s Prussian. The box and painting guide only states that he is a member of the “9th regiment Death Hussars”. Young miniatures is a relatively new company out of Korea. You can order these figures from the Red Lancer in the U.S. at or I’m sure Historex Agents will carry them if you’re in Europe. This is Young miniatures web site: