Ok guys and girls have I got a loo loo for you, what if you putting an M923 5t Big Foot and and M113 together? [:-^]
Well some group of men in Iraq did and here it is, and no I didn’t call it a her as it is truly an “IT” or a “What tha”

Why don’t we call it the new M924 ASUV-Armored Sport Utility Vehicle[(-D]
[M924 BB1] -Block Body 1 [MTAPV]- Mobile Tactical Armored Personnel Vehicle. Now out of all that I give you my idea of the [US M924 BB1 MTAPV] and yse ai know that a lot but I thought is was funny.
Hay you all join in and come up with a good name for it.
An this was your realy weard things from Iraq moment. Good day and Good luck!!
Very reminiscent of the improvised armored trucks used in Vietnam, I like it!
Yeah I know of that Gun truck, it’s black I think well now here the new version. Here’s a link to some ones 5t Gun trucks model.
The one from Vietnam:
lol awesome find. Do you have any details, or the story, behind this beast?
I can’t see your pics, but I am assuming you are refering to the one knoen as the Alabama Slammer. It was only a concept before the war and built in Kuwait. It was never finished nor put into use.
Well on the site that I found it all the word were like this (ooooooo+ooo5tooooooo oooo ooooo. o113ooo) ect… An I don’t have a translator on my PC. But I thought some one may want to build it and use these images to show it’s real.
Pics wont come up heavy? is any one othere thatn heavy having this problem. Ok I will edit the title. First how did you know the name as if we would have known it and I looked up that name Alabama Slammer an only got this:
An I also found images aof this cool looking slammed Chevy truck with athat same name. But no weard thing like this. So back to how you know what the name is and how or what is you job title in the US Army or USMC or US Army Reserves. You have more info than mini of the tech guys and girls.
Gino’s on a US Government computer, R34… pictures from unofficial sites & sources are blocked from showing up on those…
That isn’t any M924-series truck… Looks like a old M-51 gas-burnin’ 5-ton dump someone’s playin’ with… The 113 hull is marked with some Engineer unit…
Oh Man I for got about that sorry. I don’t know what to do othere than drawing it over or making a side view Diogram if that will help.
Dunno what unit is marked with WME 7 AA. The 113 hulk is marked from C/217 Engineers- 3 ID
That’s pretty sweet. I have a 9xx (whatever the number is) from Italeri. I think I’ll use this as inspiration to build something pretty nutty. Now I just need a cheap-o 113 kit.
Man I wish I got those 10 buck kits that were at Hobby Lobby.
OIF M113s
I know that these are to much but hold off on your build for a time as I get sales flyers in the mail ever month so if I see one come up Ill E-Mail you all the info. Oh and If I ass any more APCs at HL-Hobby Lobby I’ll get them and will hook you up on getting one. Ka?
It looks like a hollywood prop.
It also looks like those guys really need some model kits over there.
Now I can see it (personal computer back at my quarters). It is Alabama Slammer. Additionally, it was built on an M800 series 5-ton tractor.
Wow. That is pretty crazy. Looks like they some time on their hands.
Why when the have the full size things to play with.[:D]
I can’t see picts at work either, Is this what you’re looking at?
That’s the one Moon Puppy.
What’s the difference between the 800 and 900 series? I’m assuming the 900 is newer, right?