My father in law recently passed and he was stationed aboard the USS Peleliu and I bought a 1/700 model to build a put with his burial flag. Unfortunately the kit did not contain the instructions, but was otherwise complete. I emailed Dragon and they can’t help me. SO, my question is this. Does anyone have instructions for Dragon kit 7032 USS Peleliu, or any Tarawa class carrier? The scale of 1/700 would be nice, but I think I can figure things out with most any scale instructions. Otherwise I’ll have to search for another kit, which seems like a waste.
Thanks guys,
EDIT: I found some photos online of the instructions, good enough to allow me to build it. I cannot read the color callouts at all due to the poor resolution. Does anyone know what the base paint color is for the ship itself?
Instructions have been located, well enough to build the ship. I need to know what the colors are supposed to be for the deck, hull, etc. for a mid 80s build. The ship was built in 1980 and decommisioned in 2015. I’m not looking to be precise on the colors, just reseasonablely close. The ship will be placed in front of his burial flag.
All verticle surfaces are haze gray (satin sheen), all horizontal are deck gray (satin sheen). Areas that are exterior walkways are light grade non-skid and the flight deck is a heavy grade non-skid. the non-skid color (both grades) is nearly black and flat or matte sheen. also, the top of the stack is black. It was a satin sheen but I’d go with matte in that scale.
That’s it for generalizations, and goes for nearly all U.S. Navy ships through the 1980’s.
Great project BK. Nice way to honor and remember him.
I did a Gato for a friend, whose father served on a boat at the end of the war. Gave it to her and she flat cried. Another member here noticed at the same time I did that the flag was not cased, and very generously provided one for her. That brought her to tears again, when I told her how it came to happen.
I recommend going to and take a look at the pics of PELELIU there. You will note that in '84-85, she had black above the level of her stacks except for the radar domes. I would also recommend that since the model is a presentation gift, make her look like she is just coming out of an overhaul; all pristine, no oil or exhaust spots on the flight deck. Are you doing a full hull or waterline?
The FED-STD-595 specification for Haze Gray is 26370 (2xxxx indicates semi-gloss). ModelMaster Neutral Gray is 36370 (3xxxx is matte/flat). Their Gunship Gray is good for decks.
It will be a full hull presentation. And I found a site dedicated to just the Peleliu and it has more pics and data on the ship than I could ever use. Now that I have the paint codes I can get it close and then make it a nice presentation piece.
I like the idea of keeping it clean, I can build other ships rusty later on.