Construction Industry Kits

Hey all,

Do any kit manufacturers make construction industry models? Like front loaders, dumptrucks, etc. I’ve had bad luck searching.

Thanks in advance.


CAT (catepiller) makes 1/50 scale diecast ones of almost all construction tractors. If you are looking for WWII then the only things i know of are a bulldozer and a converion kit to turn a Tamiya 2 1/2 truck into a dumptruck.
I know there is a 1/24 or 1/25 dumptruck out there but I dont know who makes it. sorry I cant be of more help.

AMT/Ertl has reissued some old construction kits. I know they do a dump truck/snow plow, dozer and several others.

AMT also has a concrete truck as well. As mentioned before the only heavy equipment is the die cast Cat stuff. I did find a site on Google that offered I believe !/24 scale scrapers and dozers but unfortunatly did not book mark it.

Here are links ot a few site that have some kits, both models and die-cast.‘ERTL’:A:instr(blob,‘model_kit’)

Hope this is of some help. - Ed

Sweet, thanks.