Completed AMT/ERTL Cut-Away Millennium Falcon build w/Ezra my Grandson

To my fellow forum members,

The last time I built Sci-Fi was when I was a very young boy. I built AMT’s R2-D2, C-3PO, X-Wing Fighter, Tie-Fighter, Darth Vader’s Tie-Fighter, and a sleuth of Battlestar Galactica kits. That definately was a long long time ago.

Now I’ll be introducing a new generation, my grandson in his first Star Wars build. I would personally like to pick up the Bandai X-Wing Fighter from Hobby Lobby. That seems a bit more manageable. This Falcon kit is very huge. I’ll take photos with a ruler just to show the magnatiude of the scale of the kit.

Thank you so very much for your support forum members especially since this is my and Ezra’s first foray into Sci-Fi.

Your Friend’s, Ezra and Toshi

Have Fun;

I think cut-aways are far more interesting to build even on Non Sci-Fi stuff. I am glad to see you And Ezra doing this . T.B.

Following. That box art sure brings back some memories!

It’s always nice to see you and Ezra back at it, Toshi.

Yeah, this is very cool Toshi! Great to see you and Ezra back at it. Sorry I haven’t been on the aircraft forums that much lately.

This was an awesome issue of the Falcon. Good luck in your build.

Good stuff Toshi. Looking forward to seeing you two at it again. [Y]

Woohoo! Millenium Falcon, my absolute favorite!

I remember having the MPC/AMT Falcon back in the 90’s. Never got it finished, life got in the way [:(]

Looking forward to your build, Mr Toshi!

Glad to see you and Ezra are keeping the glue flowing.

I remember building the MPC R2-D2 kit, as well as some of the Battle Star kit’s.

I will be looking in on you two from time to time, you will have Ezra building stuf on his own before you know it ! ( They grow up so fast …)

What a great project for you two!!! Will be watching this one too. I like the kit!!

Hello Toshi and Ezra,

Great to see the two of you back at it, and such a cool build. I will be along for the ride. Enjoy!

So do I, it enhances any type of kit either scratch or fabricated at the factory like this kit is. I’ll build kits with Ezra as long as he’s interested. Thank you Tanker - Builder for stopping by.

Your friend‘s, Ezra & Toshi

Thank you for your support Mopar Madness.

Your Friend’s, Ezra & Toshi

No need for an apology, your support means a great deal to Ezra and I.

Your Friend’s, Ezra & Toshi

Thank you Sir!

Your Friend’s, Ezra & Toshi

Thank you mustang1989!

Your Friend’s, Ezra & Toshi

The Falcon is my and Ezra’s number one favorite as well. Thank you for your support!

Your Friend’s, Ezra & Toshi

I try to spend as much time and occupy his mind as much as possible. They definately do grow up too quick. Thank you for your continued support.

Your Friend’s, Ezra & Toshi

Thank you Eagle90! We will both be having fun.

Your friend’s, Ezra & Toshi