Coming Back To Modeling

Hello All,

Decided to get back into scale modeling after a 23-year hiatus. The kids are all married and I have some time again, except when I’m with my granddaughter Hannah.

My modeling interests are Sci-Fi, spacecraft, missiles and maybe a few experimental aircraft. Going to try some scratch building, kit bashing, vacuum forming and parts casting this time around. I use to build my models straight from the box but did developed good painting/weathering skills. Nice to have the Fine Scale Modeler forums this time around, already have found good hints, tips and advice.

Best Regards, Dan

Welcome to FSM Dan and welcome back to the hobby. You certainly do like to take long breaks ! LOL Good to have you come and join us here.

good see more people supporting model biulding no matter what age if u got grand son perhaps u and him could to tht as hobby

Don’t wait for a grandson! Grand daughters (and daughters) like modelling too!!
Somtimes you just have to be sneakey about it. My eldest g/d is now twelve and we are building her third dolls house together. We are building all the furniture from scratch too. I know its not the usual type of kit mentiioned but we ARE working together.

Hey, Granpa
Welcome back and have fun. Do what a family friend did for me - I was about 5 and he gave me a simple, easy to assemble model that was rather eye catching. Give a nice pre painted easy to assemble kit to yer grand daughter and help her build it, then play with it with her. Sounds like fun? It is. I’ve done the same thing with my daughters.
I’ve been hooked for the last 35 years, and I’ve had masses of fun in modelling during that time. I hope to have many more.

Hi Grandpa, it must be something about getting old. My Dads 65 and hadn’t built a kit since 1978, and the old timer has just finished Revells 1:32 Tornado. Worrying thing is, its as good as mine!!! Talk about not losing the knack, hope you enjoy the forum, Mark

Thanks for the welcome everyone. Better add aircraft to my list of interest. Local craft store had thier military kits 40% off, so you know, on sale had to buy 'em.

Welcome back to the hobby and welcome to the forum. Hope you have some fun here! - Ed