coloring plastic putty

Is there any putty that is able to have color mixed in without turning it into some kind of goopy, unusable mess? e.g. would I be able to somehow add color to white Tamiya or Vallejo putty? I guess it all depends on the type of putty as well as the type of paint mixed in. (I’m going to apply zimmerit with Tamiya’s handy tool and my subject is that of an unpainted Tiger, so the zimmerit will need to be applied already colored.)

No. Paint mixed in the putty is not going to stick and cure properly.

Simply add the textures (and/or fill in the gaps or whatever), prime it and then paint it as a factory unpainted Tiger. It’s that simple.

Apoxie Sculpt comes in a variety of colours, and if needed (kneaded [H] ), you could further make your own colour as required:





I second Jgeratic’s suggestion . Apoxie sculpt can be mixed to the color you need and it can be rendered pretty thin on a surface .