Hi folks. I’ve just bought the old ESCI/ERTL German Nebelwerfer 41 rocket launcher. It has 6 barrel tubes that look likes a revolver, firing 150mm rockets. But the instruction sheet tells nothing about the color. Can anyone please tell me what color I should use? Also could anyone who has built this kit before please give me some advices. I’ve found many flash and mold lines on it.
if you are modelling in the period 39-42 panzer grey is the colour you need …42-45
you can use either panzer grey or dunkelgelb.[dark yellow] the flash and mold lines can be carefully scraped away with the blade of your hobby knife.and any scratches left can be polished off with fine steel wool…
Deakon is correct. In a nut shell, the Rocket Launcher was painted in the same base coat as the rest of the vehicle. Also the Launchers themselves would be very sooty from the rockets.