Cockpit displays

I posted this originally in the “Techniques” forum. Just seeing what everyone else uses.

… I usually use 5 min epoxy to similate the LCDs in cockpits with MPCDs (Multipurpose Color Displays). I’ve read in the past that some modelers use Kristal Clear for the same effect. Has anyone had success with this?..

innumerable people have had success with it. simply dab on the krystal kleer onto the MPCD, and let it dry. go to swanny’s site for more info on future.

I should have clarified…Microsol’s Kristal Klear.

Microscale Kristal Klear works fine for me. Just get a drop on the end of a toothpick and apply to the MPCD. It can also be used to simulate the glass in instrument dials.
Johnsons Krystal Kleer (or future as it’s known in the US of A) works too.


I’m guessing it’s similar to Elmer’s White Glue? Wanted to get someone else’s take on the stuff before I head down to the hobby shop and get a bottle. The 5 minute epoxy works great but it stinks to high heaven. Thanks!


Microscale Krystal Klear works well in simulating glass. In fact, it’s used in fabricating glass windows on scale airline models which don’t include the clear styrene parts for windows. It’s a milky, gooey liquid (gel-like) and can also be used to attach clear parts like canopies. At first it appears white but as it dries it becomes clearer – yeah, just like Elmer’s Glue. Hope this helps.


Tony…Thanks! I’ll definately be getting a bottle or two.


its actually a floor polish, not a white glue… just for interest, the two part epoxy stinks cos u are using the 5 minute kind. the 8 hour kind is less stinky. thats cos its the hardener that smells like doggie doo.

Reggie…the Mircoscale Kristal Klear comes in a bottle the same size as Mirco-Sol and Mirco-Set. You’re right in the fact that Kristal Klear is also another name for Future floor polish overseas from the U.S. Didn’t mean to get members confused. Thanks for the help.

no worries ! [:)]

Before giving up years ago, I used Kristal Klear over and over on round instruments trying to get a decent simulation of the glass lens, but I always get something less than glossy, and bowl shaped. Future is too thin, and the detail shows in relief when you use that or gloss varnish. I’ve tried epoxy and got the same concave effect when it dries, or else a foggy appearance. The problem I have with most of the products is that when they dry, so does the water or the turpentine in the product, and thus it shrinks, giving a concave surface. On the other hand, I’ve managed to make windows that well exceeded the supposed 1/4" square maximum with Micro Klear. In fact, I did almost all the side windows in a Monogram 1/48 B-24D with it.
But, has anyone found a product that will give a flat glass lens appearance for dial instruments and radar screens (yes, I know, modern radar screens and other displays have non-glare clear surfaces)?

Sharkskin…good question. When I’ve used epoxy, I usually add a bit too much and displays have a convex look. I wasn’t too picky because it did add a very nice contrast to a “flat” panel. Someone mentioned earlier (in the techniques forum) that he used color photo film negatives to achieve the same effect. I’m going to give it a try on the next jet I build.