Coast Guard 83' models

Hello All Stations

In reply to the question of “was an 83’ patrol boat manufactured as a model” the answer is -YES! I have in my posession a kit manufactured by MARINE MODELS of Halesite N.Y. The box’s end flap simply lists it as " kit #1102 SUB BUSTER". It is of wooden construction and the solid basswood hull measures 15 1/4 " in length. The fittings are really well cast of white metal (with some brass wire for life line stantions and antennas). The hull drawings are most excellent and well detailed. The assembly directions are printed on a magazine high gloss type paper with 3 fine photos of the finished model. Scale is listed as 3/16=1 foot. There are no copyright or manufacture dates any where on the box but it looks to me like a kit from the 1950’s. Speaking of other 83’ models…the CG Academy has a beautiful scale model about 4 feet in length of a post war painted 83 footer, really a great model. And in a now defunct ship model magazine from the 1980’s there was a very informative article on the 83’s as well as line drawings(but no off set lines). Any folks that wish to build a model of an 83’ (the size of of my kit) contact me and I’ll visit Staples and burn off some copies of the kit drawings for you. There are not enough CG models at the shows I attend, so maybe one of you folks will build a"sub buster" and beat all those Navy models that dominate the competitions! I built a model diorama of an English dockyard with a D Day 83 footer hauled out getting it’s hull repaired. It was a lot of fun to build I didn’t win any awards in the diorama division(those damn tank modelers are a tough crowd to beat) but it took the judges Best of Show Award, so I was happy. Semper Paratus![:)]