Clogged Septic Tank and Charmin TP

I have a stinky story for you guys that are on a septic system.

Last night our septic tank became clogged. The result was that we could not drain any water from our sinks, showers, tubs and toilets. Last night I used a bucket and my wife used the toilet, but she couldn’t flush it. No fun indeed. This morning the septic service that we use opened the tank. Even though the tank is pumped every two years, it was clogged with toilet paper. The problem was caused because we use Charmin toilet paper. I was told to NEVER use Charmin. It is too thick and does not dissolve quickly. I was told to use Costco brand paper.

100 % right,thats some bad stuff

Scott Toilet paper also,my drain guy recommended it,no problems at all.

He also says that he loves it when products say okay to flush,no problem,more business for him.

It sounds as though Charmin’ may be just the thing for stuffing wheel wells…


Please don’t squeeze the Charmin…

Not too many of us would remember Mr Whipple

Charmin is John Wayne toilet paper. 100% tough and takes no s**t.

I was also told that my tank is 35 years old. The gas that is trapped in the tank will eventually corrode (dissolve) the concrete tank which will cause it to collapse when it is about 40 years old.

That stinks [|-)]

When we finally got county water and sewer installed they drained our tank and punctured it so it could not be used again.

The contractors got us some years later. One morning I walked out to the back yord and saw that there was a river of sludge and paper coming from the old tank access pipe. I called someone to look at it and they found out that the original people didn’t do a very good job on our place. While re-routing the pipe from the house to the line under the street the turn angle was a bit too sharp. On top of that there were roots in the pipe that helped to clog things up.

We had to pay to have the line dug up, re-aligned, and replace all the pipe from the back corner of the house to the street. It took five guys all day to do the work and get things working again. I watched as they took sections of the drain pipe they had to cut and haul it to their truck. There were roots running through it that blocked almost have the 3" width of the pipe. On top of that they used pipe that was never ment for that kind of work, They installed thin water pipe instead that the tree roots went through with no problem.

The contractors involved in the road work almost burned down our house when a dump truck parked and lifted its rear section right into some power lines. My wife said you could watch the smoke coming off the wires right to the wook under the roof where it stoped. There were four houses that lost electrical devices because of this. Eventually the company went under when the water treatment plant they built failed, leaving the county with the problem of fixing some of the problems they caused.

The work that was performed by the Contractor that installed the sewer pipe should have been observed by the County to make sure that it was done properly. Maybe the Contractor had an “in” with the County, so the County let the Contractor do whatever they wanted to do. This is a problem with government work.

For those that don’t…

[:)] [Y]

I don’t remember the county being all that involved. A neighbor across the street took advantage of the streets being all torn up for the water and sewer pipe main lines to be put in and added a large section of concrete for his new parking area. He never got a permit or posted a sign for the work, just removed the dirt and laid the concrete. He didn’t have to worry about anyone driving on his new area until it was ready because we were all banned from driving down our streets until they were finished.

Or that Adam Savage from Mythbusters and fellow modeler was one of Mr. Whipple’s stock boys.