Clear Gorilla Glue questions

Has anyone used Clear Gorilla Glue to glue clear plastic parts?

I use Clear Gorilla Epoxy, as suggested by Lawdog, and it works perfect. Totally clear and you have time to work with it.


Does it leave a greasy residue after curing?

So, the Gorilla Epoxy doesn’t craze the clear plastic?


Pretty much any epoxy is great for attaching clear parts like canopies without the crazing. Its not the best choice for really small clear parts like HUD glass and that sort of thing, mostly just because if you accidentally get just a tiny bit on something you didn’t want to get it on (like the middle of that HUD glass) its almost impossible to completely remove. But, for canopies, its awesome. Personally, I like to use Devcon 2-ton Epoxy with the resin and hardener in separate bottles. That allows for more precise mixing ratios over one of the 2-in-1 tubes, and also minimizes the possibility of cross-contamination as can happen with a tube when you have a brain fart and try to put the cap back on backward. Get the 2 bottle set, and you’ll probably never have to buy more.

Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll give that a try.

Any Gorilla glue product my expand before it dries.Watch the amount when applying it.