This is an older 1/48 Hasegawa kit I finished for the P-47 GB. I picked it up in an auction for a bargain, so I added some resin and PE sets to try to bring it up to par with the Tamiya kits. Aires wheel wells, True Details cockpit, Eduard photo etch along with the kit decals and Tamiya paints were used to finish this model. I also added fine wire and solder for brake lines, and drilled out the gun barrels. I tried to break up the mono-tone olive drab camo with a subtle mottle to simulate sun fading. I built this model totally, while on the road. I drug my compressor, AB, and tools with me all the way to Florida. Hey…you can’t fish all day.
It’s not as good as a Tamiya jug, but I think it came out ok. What do you guys think?
Hey Jerry. Wanna know a secret? My first kit back from my modeling hiatus was the R-M Jug with markings for the checkertail clan. Yours looks much finer…
Great job!
Wow, niiiiiice work! I can almost smell that powerplant. The finish is as good as I have ever seen. With the right surroundings, your jug would look like the real-deal. Well done, carry on.
Many thanks to Berny,TAdan,mucker,Thad,wibhi2,radmax,mkhoot,phantomtom,Sean, and Darwin. I was able to try several new techniques on this build, and learned alot. Thanks again for the compliments.
Thanks alot Marc and Joe. Details? …This build, I guess, was more about fitting resin parts and using photo etch than anything else. Also, I tried some new painting techniques to simulate the fading on olive drab paint. I learned alot this time.
Joe…I hope you realize how fortunate you are to have your team in the Super Bowl. The Stillers deserve it, and I don’t see them losing. It sure is alot more fun to watch when your team is there. Where am I watching the game? your house, of course. Break out the brats! I’ll bring the Rolling Rock. GO STILLERS!!