Interesting creatures for sure. Now that I have acknowledged their existing in our lives. Why would ANY Modeler in his or her right mind even share space with these furry enigmas? Who knows ? Well, I do because I like them. Besides ,you don’t own any cat. they tolerate you, because you provide all they need for an easy life.
Then you also build models. What’s this. My human has included this strange thing that smells odd. It is not a nice thing to my Nose. Interesting color though. YES, Emily, cats see in full color! BUT, their vision close up is toast! That’s why cats have those large pupils when they look at you!
SO, all in all, In say ten years, you only lose a model or two you are lucky. I have to say that considering the sight thing, it is a wonder more damage isn’t done. Miss Sam! Well just " Sam") does an admirable job of avoinding most if not all of my models in high places. Which , by the way is where cats like to be!
Whiskers make great antennaes for cars and military models and hair is just their addition to the model from their part! And besides if you have the honor of sharing space with a Calico cat then the fur blends right into the Camo job, so there!
All of the cats I have owned (serviced) have not shown any interest in my modeling. They would just sleep on my bed while I worked, only gettng up to be fed or scratched. Admittedly I have never had a persistent lap-sitter or super-cuddly cat. My syster’s boyfriend’s cat is a super-cuddler, always climbing onto unprotected legs, heads, and bladders. He is also a habitual counter-climber (the cat,not my sister’s boyfriend). If I had that cat, all of my models would be destroyed in no time.
I’ve had little truck with cats and modeling…but my long-gone golden retriever used to love curling around the base of my chair as I worked – the chair was one of those rolling desk jobs, so I had to be careful not to scoot suddenly, or without giving the poor old girl fair warning.
The upside was that 90% of the time when a small part or errant bit of PE went pinging into space…it would end up in milady’s fur, like a magnet. She probably liked being there because it meant she got brushed out so often…always over newspaper, so the part could be easily seen/heard and recovered. [:D]
And, the fun part is when they (cat or dog) come into the room and flop down on the floor right behind your chair. I have gotten into the habit of looking first now, as I have rolled over a tail or two, much to said critter’s loud dismay.
The one time I forgot and really got her, she barely made a sound – just looked at me with those big sad brown eyes as though she was saying “How could you???”
Had one plop his fat body right in the middle of my work table yesterday, and would not leave until he felt sufficiently petted/scratched. The rest of the evening was spent removing cat hairs from everything.
My cat Lady Blue, is a perfect model builders cat.
She apparently hates heights because she refused to climb a cat tower I bought her, so shelves are safe.
When she visits me in the work room, she makes her spot under the bench, well away from the chair or my feet. The only downside to this is she’s so quiet I’ve been known to close her in there occasionally.
My cat, Winston (named after Winston Churchill due to his very serious-looking gaze), occasionally likes to sit on the table I do my building on, but rarely disturbs me in the middle of a build. Hair isn’t too much of a problem with him since he’s a Pixie Bobcat and their double coat doesn’t shed much.
I can almost hear him saying “We shall never surrender!” in this pic.
Thanks TB. I’ll pass that on to him. He’s among the lucky 10% of cats that survived Panleukopenia…a tough guy. Made me think twice about ever taking him to the vet for “routine” stuff again, since that was how he ended up getting the virus.
My cats can crave attention sometimes, occasionally in a group, but I do my work in the garage. I just have to make sure someone doesn’t sneak past my feet and try to get outside.