CA glue in the fridge? Does it last longer?

I heard about this long, long ago. From where, I don’t remember.
But does putting your bottle of CA glue in the fridge make it last longer when compared to just storing your bottle reguarly out in the open on a shelf or workbench, etc.?

Just got this on Google

Store in a cold area – Storing in a cold room or even in a refrigerator can drastically increase a cyanoacrylate’s shelf life . However, it is best to keep it in a plastic bag to avoid condensation. When you are ready to use the glue, allow it to reach room temperature before opening the bottle


Plastic bag? I’ve never heard that part before. Must be something new?

Google,ca glue in the fridge,there’s a ton of info

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From the Starbond website:

When stored and handled correctly, our clear CA glues can last several years in a cold environment. Just make sure to store the bottle under 40°F before and after use

Yeah, that seems silly to me. It’s presumably already in a sealed plastic bottle. What more would a zip-lock bag do?

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Keeping it from tipping over and getting CA all over your frozen pees. Ask me how I know.


Sounds like a sticky situation.



I keep my tube of CA in a small glass bottle with screw on cap. The tube stays upright this way. Keeps for years. So yes, it works.

Why are you freezing your pee? :smile:


We will not discuss this part… :wink:

I will say that transferring thin CA to a glass bottle with airtight lid…doesn’t work. The entire bottle solidified in a couple of days. I would have thought it would be fine if I kept moisture out since it doesn’t like to stick to glass, but I guess a seed crystal started…?

Edwin’s got it right - put the TUBE in the glass bottle!

Question for those who use CA (everyone)…

When you’re using it. How do you use it?
i.e. glue looper? etc.

If you’re using something like a glue looper, how do you stage your CA for use with the looper? I have a small “tray” that I use, it’s now full of very old CA that I keep adding to. I was wondering if there was a better way.

I read somewhere about putting the drops of CA onto candle wax, say the top of a candle. I use a tealight candle. This prolongs the time that the CA remains workable. Tried it and it works.

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@fxsti03-42, I use my wife’s discarded contact lens packaging. They’re disposable lenses, so I have a large supply! The plastic is, I think, HDPE, so it seems to hold the CA for a while without it curing instantly.

I apply with a glue looper.

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I use wax paper and the glue lasts for a while. Although I put the wax paper over a small thing of plexiglass since on occasion the wax paper has had a small hole. Don’t want to ruin my cutting mat.

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I use a pad of post it notes. Put a small drop of glue on the paper and just add a new drop as needed. After the session I just peel off that sheet and it’s ready for next time.

As for in the fridge - I haven’t tried this but also I guess I haven’t noticed my CA glue going bad. What’s the indication of that, it just stops sticking as good? Cures slower?


I had a bottle go bad where it just wouldn’t stick to anything expect to skin.

For me, CA glue is “bad” when it’s solid. I’ve had several older bottles that over time just become a hardened mass at the bottom.

I have one of those tiny soda can fridges that I use to store some of my Mission Models stuff and I keep unopened CA glue in there. I have not resorted to putting the open ones in there because I am concerned about condensation - I work in a basement, so it’s a little more humid than the rest of the house. If I open a bottle and it gets air in it, I’m worried that a refrigerator will cause moisture to condense and even one drop of water seems like begging for the CA to harden.
