Bombs away!

Where can I find new windows for Revell-Monogram 1/48 scale B-29 Superfortress? I have been looking since January since my other ones got lost.





Could also contact the manufacterer directly and go straight to the source. I’m sure that you could get replacement parts since the kit is still in production

Lemme know if you can’t find 'em the normal way, either through the company (be sure you have the kit number and part numbers from the instruction sheet) or AM… I can vacuform them…

Von Hammer, when you vac form them do you fix them so the flat plane windows are there? Here are some pictures of what I mean:

Try Tracysmodels…he had one…I was gonna buy it…but hit a financial wall

No… I just use the kit-supplied pieces as a mold. I reckon I could do that kind of work, but I’d have to build a mold first. Easy enough, just time-consuming…