As most of y’all know, I do things a bit “different.”[swg] It my dream to see the Angels in the SuperBug, so…I’ll do it myself. Let the madness begin…[:D][8-][party]
As most of y’all know, I do things a bit “different.”[swg] It my dream to see the Angels in the SuperBug, so…I’ll do it myself. Let the madness begin…[:D][8-][party]
Madness? Eddie, this is tame for you! are you mellowing out as you get older???[B)]
I’m just messing with you Eddie!
You’re right.[;)][:D] This and a USN (VF-2) TSR-2 are what I’m doing to cleanse my palate after the B-17/ KC hybrid. Okay, I told a fib. I’ve started a biplane P-40. It’s in the planning stages, but I’ll put some pix up soon.[:)] After that ,the Hogzilla will be my next big project. If you haven’t seen or heard of it, it’s 2 A-10s bashed into one big one in the A-10 What if GB.[:-,]
Once again: “You win the: [:O]‘What were you thinking!!’ [:O]award!!” Only here eh?[(-D][:D]
That does sound pretty neat! The Angels need a two seater so they can take reporters and fans for rides [:D] pay $100 and get your guts ripped out of your nose for 10 minutes or something like that, that would be just to cool!
Now I want to do the F model in B.A. colors! Mine’s the E. I’m using the decals from the A model B.A.Hornet. This is somewhat of a novelty for me to do one out of the box, because most of you know I’m a kitbash kinda guy.[8-] Here are the intake trunks.
What kit are you using for this Eddie? Is it the Hasegawa?
now a tomcat in b.a. scheme would be nuts
Interesting Eddie[:D] I’m surprised by this change of pace[:O] Have you seen your Dr. about this?[;)]
Now if you were doing a BA F-14 then I wouldn’t be too concerned about ya[(-D]
It’s the Revell. I like the outside detail, but it will require a few putty, sand and repeats.[|(][swg]
I’ve seen a Tomcat in B.A. colors. It was very cool![8D][:D] Here’s the rest of tonight’s progress.[:)]
I finally tried masking before I put the putty on and it reduced the work greatly. I got the blue ( Walmart royal blue[:D]) on tonight. Now, I watch paint dry…[:o)]
Thats looking awesome Eddie! I’m glad I bought two tubes of the Squadron white putty, I have this kit to [:D] I read on here about using a Q-tip with mineral spirits and wiping down the putty so you don’t have to sand it and ruin any detail, I might have to try this!
Looks good Eddie[tup] I like the “Cannards” nice touch[:P]
eizzle, have you been reading Swanny’s Models again?[swg]
Nope, its just been mentioned in about 15 threads I have read in the last couple days… I guess thats how many times I have to read something before it sticks [:D]
Now that I’ve added a bit of yellow, I think this might be believable when I’m done.[:D]
How do you do these builds so fast? Are you going to paint the numbers by hand or do you have a decal sheet for that? IMHO, since they are getting a new bird, they should get a new paint job to, a little less tame than the one they have now… maybe some flames on the wings or something hotroddish like that?
How do you do these builds so fast? Are you going to paint the numbers by hand or do you have a decal sheet for that? IMHO, since they are getting a new bird, they should get a new paint job to, a little less tame than the one they have now… maybe some flames on the wings or something hotroddish like that?
To be honest, for as many kitbashes I do, a model with instructions is a treat to work on, so it goes fast. Plus, this one has got most of my attention these days. I’ve always got 5 or more things going, so there’s always something to work on.[:D]
I agree about the new paintjob to a degree (tradition goes a long way in the Navy and change comes slowly in some respects) and I’m going to discuss a few ideas with some hotshot painters to maybe help me out. You get the credit for the idea when it comes to be…[8D]
The traditional thing didn’t really come to mind. Ok, maybe flames are a bit over the top, but they need something with just a bit more flash to it.
The traditional thing didn’t really come to mind. Ok, maybe flames are a bit over the top, but they need something with just a bit more flash to it.
I’m not going to get too outragous, but I think a slight tweek in the right place will work out.[:D] how 'bout a little white somewhere? That would give them more color on those severe clear days when they blend with the sky…