Blue Angel Super Hornet

As most of y’all know, I do things a bit “different.”[swg] It my dream to see the Angels in the SuperBug, so…I’ll do it myself. Let the madness begin…[:D][8-][party]


Madness? Eddie, this is tame for you! are you mellowing out as you get older???[B)]

I’m just messing with you Eddie!

You’re right.[;)][:D] This and a USN (VF-2) TSR-2 are what I’m doing to cleanse my palate after the B-17/ KC hybrid. Okay, I told a fib. I’ve started a biplane P-40. It’s in the planning stages, but I’ll put some pix up soon.[:)] After that ,the Hogzilla will be my next big project. If you haven’t seen or heard of it, it’s 2 A-10s bashed into one big one in the A-10 What if GB.[:-,]


Once again: “You win the: [:O]‘What were you thinking!!’ [:O]award!!” Only here eh?[(-D][:D]

That does sound pretty neat! The Angels need a two seater so they can take reporters and fans for rides [:D] pay $100 and get your guts ripped out of your nose for 10 minutes or something like that, that would be just to cool!

Now I want to do the F model in B.A. colors! Mine’s the E. I’m using the decals from the A model B.A.Hornet. This is somewhat of a novelty for me to do one out of the box, because most of you know I’m a kitbash kinda guy.[8-] Here are the intake trunks.


What kit are you using for this Eddie? Is it the Hasegawa?

now a tomcat in b.a. scheme would be nuts

Interesting Eddie[:D] I’m surprised by this change of pace[:O] Have you seen your Dr. about this?[;)]

Now if you were doing a BA F-14 then I wouldn’t be too concerned about ya[(-D]

It’s the Revell. I like the outside detail, but it will require a few putty, sand and repeats.[|(][swg]

I’ve seen a Tomcat in B.A. colors. It was very cool![8D][:D] Here’s the rest of tonight’s progress.[:)]

I finally tried masking before I put the putty on and it reduced the work greatly. I got the blue ( Walmart royal blue[:D]) on tonight. Now, I watch paint dry…[:o)]


Thats looking awesome Eddie! I’m glad I bought two tubes of the Squadron white putty, I have this kit to [:D] I read on here about using a Q-tip with mineral spirits and wiping down the putty so you don’t have to sand it and ruin any detail, I might have to try this!

Looks good Eddie[tup] I like the “Cannards” nice touch[:P]

eizzle, have you been reading Swanny’s Models again?[swg]

Nope, its just been mentioned in about 15 threads I have read in the last couple days… I guess thats how many times I have to read something before it sticks [:D]


Now that I’ve added a bit of yellow, I think this might be believable when I’m done.[:D]


How do you do these builds so fast? Are you going to paint the numbers by hand or do you have a decal sheet for that? IMHO, since they are getting a new bird, they should get a new paint job to, a little less tame than the one they have now… maybe some flames on the wings or something hotroddish like that?

To be honest, for as many kitbashes I do, a model with instructions is a treat to work on, so it goes fast. Plus, this one has got most of my attention these days. I’ve always got 5 or more things going, so there’s always something to work on.[:D]

I agree about the new paintjob to a degree (tradition goes a long way in the Navy and change comes slowly in some respects) and I’m going to discuss a few ideas with some hotshot painters to maybe help me out. You get the credit for the idea when it comes to be…[8D]


The traditional thing didn’t really come to mind. Ok, maybe flames are a bit over the top, but they need something with just a bit more flash to it.

I’m not going to get too outragous, but I think a slight tweek in the right place will work out.[:D] how 'bout a little white somewhere? That would give them more color on those severe clear days when they blend with the sky…
