When I paint flat black it has a shine so I guess I don’t understand the difference between flat, gloss and just black since they each shine. I will then use a matte black to eliminate the gloss effec. I use gloss black for a variety of subjects like underlining chrome but often I just need a duller black. In my earlier life I used black oils to paint on canvas but now that I’m learning all color I need some basics
You can generally alter the flat-gloss range somewhat by how you apply it. Pile flat on thick and wet and it often looks pretty glossy. It will also do that if thinned with a leveling thinner. If I want a flatter finish, I use standard thinner and back up with the airbrush so it’s dang near drying as it hits the model.
I find that if you don’t stir Tamiya Flat Black really well,it will come out with a shine to it,could be that way with other brands too.
Hi, I found that if you flood the paint brush when painting flats ,you will get semi-gloss streaks. I can get semi-Gloss too . All I have to do is let the paint cure and if it’s doable buff the surface with a clean soft cloth. Nice Semi-Gloss is the result.
ok i get the techniques but see what i find is when i paint somewhat small parts I also thin the paint if its too gloppy. then test it on a scrap piece of plastic then apply carefully to avoid brush marks. after the semi dries it still looks glossy. so if i want a more flat ill just use a matt black. i just have to keep experimenting