Best Porsche models?

Since I race a full-size Porsche–a modified '83 911SC coupe–and am an aircraft modeler, I’ve begun thinking it would be fun to start a Porsche-models collection. There seem to be thousands of die-cast and already-assembled Porsche models of every sort out there, but when I start looking for Porsche model kits, all I find is 911 variants, 917s and the occasional Boxster or Carrera GT. Are there any companies that produce kits for a wider variety of Porsches?


A company called Fisher Model and Pattern makes quite a number of high quality resin kits of all sorts of racing porsches…see:

Also, there are some FANTASTIC 1/24 Porsche kits made by Fujimi - in their Enthusiast Model range - extremely detailed…full suspension and full engine detail - very well done - I’ve made a whole bunch of them - and their Lambo Countach, Lancia Stratos, Ferrari Daytona are still waiting to be assembled…well worth the money. They might be hard to find, but you’ll not be disappointed.

I did a serch on for Porsche models and it yielded lots of results. Not all are 911 varients although there are quite a few out there. Check it out:
Hope it’s helpful.

Appreciate your help, but unfortunately, of that list of 14 cars, 11 are various 911s (the 930 is a 911 Turbo and the 959 is an “extreme 911”) and three are 356s (the 911’s predecessor). That’s exactly the problem I’m finding–no 550s, no RSes, RSKs, 904s, 906s, 907s, 908s, 928s, 944s, 968s…the only racecar anybody seems to make is every possible variation of the ubiquitous 917. The manufacturers seem to make a basic 911 body mold and then vary a few panels to make different versions, rather than making any of the really interesting Porsches.

But thanks for your efforts!


I think Revell/Monogram released a model of the “Little Porsha that could”, that is the new VW. All you have to do is make a few body modifications and Wha - la, you have a porsche.

Well, actually it’s voila–French–not wha-la, but who’s to argue. People have been calling Porsches “just big VWs” for half a century now, which is sort of like calling a Cobra “just a big Model T.” But again, who’s to argue?


In my opinion Tamiya make the best Porsche’s, however they are limited to the popular models, also Italeri made some too, as do Revell of Germany.


Actually if you look at 1/43rd then just about every Porsche has been modelled. I know a lot of people don’t like this scale but the scope for the modeller is far far wider in this scale than in any other and the amount of aftermarket parts is mind boggling. Go to and just do a search and you’ll find a huge range.


Interesting site…thanks! I have a little trouble distinguishing between which are built models and which are kits, but I can work that out. Looks like I can spend…oh, maybe $20,000 building all the Porschies I need…



Sorry, but I don’t habla that francaise! (tongue in cheek and very cheeky) Isn’t Porsha French for Volks Wagon?