Battlestart Galatica kits available?

Hello all,

I am searching but can find nothing yet. Has there been a release yet of the Battlestar ship? Bywho? Scale? Or am I going to have to scratch build this myself as I did Nemo’s Nautilus? If I must, is there a site or book with great detail on all of the ships in the new series?

Thanks and sorry if this topic has been covered before. I have searched but nothing is coming up that I need, so might as well get to the point.

You can find some AMT/ERTL Battle Star Galactica Kits (from the original series)on ebay. Just enter that into your search. They usually go for about 50 dollars and are about 20 inches long. You can also get these kits…
Go to…

click on “Model Kits”
then click on “Alliance” from the list of options.
Then scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will find model of the new Battle Star Galactica.

It is only 7 inches long, but the people who are working on it over at have some update pictures of their build.

There’s a few out there:
In addition to the afrementioned galactica…

1/72 Viper MKII from
with also a cylon raider on the way

there a re afew 48 scale vipers done by Alfred Wong I have not seen it.

then there is a 1/24 scale Viper MKII off of this yahoo group:

there is also the works of a 1/24 raptor as well off of here:

its not out yet but very soon.

Hope this helps

Type “Battlestar resin” into a google search and you should find anything your looking for from both the original and new series.

We’ve got a Flat Top to scale with the Monogram (Not ERTL/AMT) Galactica.

Coming soon are the Mining Ship and Celestra in the same scale.


Spelunko… I am in Fukuoka Japan about 2 hours flight from Taiwan… Let me know what you are after and I might be able to help you out with my stash… Send me a pm…

Thunderbearer: I dont mean to be rude, but you have tried to advertise that thing on every board I go… Its cool, but a little expencive yeah?


I have been covered up in my store with people wanting BattleStar kits based off the new show.

What I have found out from my distributors is that the licensing is being discussed and that Sci-Fi is interested in having kits made. Theough who will manufacture them is still up in the air. Hasbro has just released some di-cast mini’s of the Galactica, Cylon Raider, MkVII viper, with more to follow.

I am hoping someone will pick up the licensing, the kits being discussed are the Galactica, Viper MkII &VII, Raptor, Cylon Raider, Cylon centurion, Colonial one, and possibly the Pegasus. I do know that more die-casts, toys, and figures are on the way along with a comic book series and a book trilogy all from the new show. I hope this gives you something to look forward to.

Hey Chris, no offense taken. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the comment.

Keep Modeling!


The mining ship seems to be priced more appropriately. I may consider getting one.

Will there be a package deal for the ragtag ships?

We’re considering a Package Deal once all three are ready. It’s really going to depend on the what the market will bear.


Don’t you mean what the market will “bearr” [:P] But really keep up the great work there Rob.

Here from anyone wants to try his hands…

Sweet link

Thanks George


Have the Revell kits been reissued? I was just at a local hobby shop and I saw 2 of the Cylon Basestars from the original series. They were going for $35 I think. I am hoping the older kits might be re-released.


Sadly, no, they’ve not been reissued recently. They were issued under new packaging in about 1996/97, tho. That might be what you’re seeing on the shelf at the LHS - old product that was never sold.

I recently bought the detail set for the Monogram Revell Battlestar Galactica (ship). Inside the kit says that “resin is a known carcinogen” and to wear a mask. I had head that resin was a lung irritant, but this is the first time I have read that the stuff is deadly in general.

Is this true? I feel kind of paranoid to touch any resin kit now. Since all BSG kits made now are resin, is this a cause for concern? Or is the kit maker being extra cautious? How do you all handle the resin issue?


Theo, Resin is NOT a carcinogen! Don’t breath the dust though!! Some of the catalysts that are used in the resin making process may be but cured resin is realitivly safe. I am a resin process operator at a major company and if that was the case we would be out of business. Don’t worry and keep building!

Good Hunting, G.W.

Just wet sand when you’re sanding. Good idea for styrene too.

Thanks for the info!

Besides, isn’t cancer hereditary in white lab mice?

Or did I read that in a conspiracy rag?
