Battle of Britain Build- Airfix 1/48 Blenheim Mk. IF

Bit of a complex landing gear assembly…

Also got some work done on the cockpit…just need to spray some interior color when I get a chance…


I’d say that all of those pieces look well detailed but very finicky. Good luck with the rest of the build.

Nice start. I built that one a few years ago. I don’t recall any issues with it.

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So far so good! I had my interior color explode out of my airbrush so that is soaking now to try to clean…

Doncha just hate it when that happens? That’s a good lookin’ subject and I’m looking forward to seeing it built up Mike.
Dude…you’re right about the complexity of that landing gear. Is the rest of the kit like that!!!

Not so bad…so far! Haha

Here are a few shots of the Blenheim I did back in 2020

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Wow, nice work @Aggieman! I particularly like your upside-down model + updside-down image to see what’s going on underneath… Very clever!
Best of luck with the rest of this built @Jeeves!

@pr154 I have to be careful when doing this with regard to antenna masts, but I’ve always liked the visual. Of course, there’s a little bit of editing required in Photoshop to rotate the image so I get an image that looks like you’re on the ground watching this plane come in for a landing.

If I could figure out how to do this with a green screen, the surface would go away and the effect would be complete.

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