Base Coat Question


If I’m going to build a Panther Tank with camo paint (tan, green and rust color) what would make sense for a base coat color? I want to add “chips” to the paint after too…how do you decide on what base coat color to use?



If you are going to add chips to the paint, I’d say your base coat needs to be silver or whatever metallic color you want the chips to have so that it will show through. Normally with camo painting you go from lightest to darkest so in your case I’d start with tan, then green (assuming it’s lighter than the rust), and finally the rust.

Check out the Panther in my sig. Base coat is Tamiya acrylic dark yellow,followed by Tamiya acrylic red brown,and finally, MM enamel medium green

In many instances, camo was applied in the field using whatever was handy including paint brushes, mops, etc. The vehicle may have simply been painted panzer gray at the factory–which would give you an accurate base coat color under your proposed camo–especially if you have a chipped paint effect in mind.

Just a thought
Gip Winecoff

Thanks guys…nice pics all of you…the moddel I’m working on is a Panther…(Crockett’s)…same color plattern too…