Badly in need of Helo Crews!

Do any of you guys know any shops where I can still get the 1/35th Dragon Vietnam Chopper Crews? I got one set included with a Panda Huey Model D. I’ll go the Frankenstein route if I have to but I’d rather buy the sets. Now I need 4 more for the other helo kits I’m working on. Squadron doesn’t list them anymore on their inventory.

I have one of the 1/35 Dragon ‘Nam’ helo crew set if you want it…kit trade?..or 25 gallons of U.S. super unleaded fuel[;)]

E-mail me.

I picked up a set of Dragon’s #3311, and another set #F35070, to use in a 1/35 Pave Hawk I am putting together. Search their site and this should get you something. An leads on a Modern Set of pilots and crew, so I can cut down on the rework of these old era crews.



Night Flight models is coming out with a series of resin figures in both 35th and 48th scales. All are modern figs with the latest equipment. and, of course, their first kit is a 1/35th PAVE LOW IV!!! too cool, if ya ask me!

Contact Hobby Island in Houston, TX. I was in the shop yesterday, and they had some on the shelf. Use an online yellow pages to find a phone number though, I don’t think they have a web presence.


I was looking through the old posts and found a link to “Night Hawk” site but can’t remember where it was and didn’t bookmark it. DUHHH! Do any of you know their web address?

Do you mean Night Flight models?
Check out this forum, page two under 1/48 helo crews.
IMNHO, we need more “crew” and less pilot figures. . .


Thanks for all the help. I went back and searched the archives and found Night Flight’s site. Their products sure sound interesting but those kit prices are “ripe”. I do agree with you, dkmacin, pilots are hidden pretty well but door gunners and crewmen are hangin’ out there in plain view. I can see thast if I’m goin’ to hang around here with the big dogs, I’m going to have to pick up some good reference books on helos, but that’s another topic.