Back to the forum after a break

Been a few months since I’ve been here and was surprised today to find the forums were back online. I lost my credentials for GreySnake so just made a new account.

Hopefully I can get motivated now to start something!


A lot of us are creeping back. The new set up is nice

You might be able to recover your old account. All you have to do is type in your old name and add a new password.


No luck unfortunately. I don’t have access to the email account it was made under. Not a big deal

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Yeah,welcome back,looks a lot better here.

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Welcome back bub! Been a while and glad you found your way back.


Heyo!! Looking forward to seeing some fun projects on your bench.

Hi Snake. I’ve been here for a very long time but a few months ago I couldn’t log in, kept getting a 404 error code. Then a month or so back I was able to log on till yesterday when the logging issue started again. I don’t know how but I finally was able to get back here. The system is screwy and acts up now and then.

Finally got back. Getting use to the new layout and hoping to post something soon.

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Welcome back,its almost like Kitmaker

Yeah I snuck back in too. My password didn’t work, and the old e-mail address which I tried multiple times to unsuccessfully change, is 15 years out of date.