Back into modeling - after a 35 year hiatus

Just getting back into plastic models after a 35 or so year hiatus. As so many of us, life got in the way of a hobby I’ve enjoyed ever since I was allowed to use an Xacto knife! I’ve built a couple of kits in the last couple of months, but have some nicer ones I want to tackle once my skills get sharpened back up. Now with the advantage of you tube, there is a ton of helpful info out there.

My main interest is airplane models, 1/32 and 1/48. Military and civilian, if it’s got wings, I like it. Lookinf forward to making my way through this forum and meeting some folks, (even if only virtually) and learning and relearning new and old techniques.


Welcome aboard.

Thank you Bish! I see your location is Bury St. Edmunds. A coworker frequently talks about that place… he visited often while he was stationed at Lakenheath.

Ye, Bury is not far away. I did work at Lakenheath for a year back in 2015 for one of the civilian contractors there. Bury is a nice little market town.

Welcome back to the fold. Larger scale aircraft have had a pretty good surge in recent years. Wingnut Wings (a company started by the Lord of the Rings director, Peter Jackson), has produced some very awesome aircraft kits.

There are many new manufacturers that you may have never heard of. Do some online research because many of them are very good, better than traditional model company names you might remember from 35 years ago.

Bottom line, do not discount some company you’ve never heard of and don’t think the company that used to be “the best” in 1990 is still the best today.

The internet has completely changed this hobby. Online reviews and youtube how-tos are so helpful. Also historic research, starting with Wiki. Veteran groups and unit organization websites.

Welcome to the forum! I look forward to seeing your builds. I prefer 1/48 for my airplane models, too, though I do have some in 1/72 and 1/32.

When I came back after my modeling hiatus, I didn’t notice the impact of the Internet as much as I noticed the change in expectations on the part of customer. The Internet had the same impact on everything-instant communications. I was struck more by the rise of aftermarket supplies, and how so many modelers came to expect to take a kit and add a bunch of aftermarket details to it. Those were things that we added ourselves through scratchbuilding, when I was a kid.

Aftermarket products, and the virtual disappearance of figures from most makers’ kits. I grew up on Monogram and Revell, and I just expected that an airplane kit, or an armor kit, would have at least one figure. But again, if you want figures, now there are aftermarket makers, or separate makers, for the guys who want them.

One thing hasn’t changed, though-it’s still a hobby, and you should enjoy what you do. As an old modeler said, “Build what you want, the way you want!”

Best regards,


Same here, though my issues was a bit different than yours. I was hit head on by a car back in the early 90’s. Suffering with a nervous condition later in life which means my hands & arms simply go numb or limp. I feared using the knife or other tools of the trade would be too dangerous for me.

I’ve since got rid of all my leftovers and tools so it’s going to be hard returning to this after having to start from scratch once again.

Thank you all for the warm welcome. I’ve been trying to get some assistance in the airbrushing forum, and wanted to add some pics in my post, but can’t figure out how to do it. I click on the add/edit image button, but it does not allow me to go into my pictures folder on my computer… how the heck does this work?

Mods, if this question/post should be elsewhere, please move as needed.

Hi Rick! Welcome to the Forums! Glad to have you with us.

Jim [cptn]

Welcome to the Forums!

You’ll need to use a 3rd-party hosting site to get links to add images. For example, I use a free site called Postimage. I copied a link from there and used the Insert feature to add it to this reply (Click Insert>Insert Image>paste the link in the Source box).

I usually just paste the link into the body of my text, like this one:


Hi there! Welcome Back to the Hobby and to our forums!

Hello and welcome into the forum…


Thank you Baron! I’ll take a look at Postimage.

Welcome to the forum Rick[Y]