I recently started construction of the AMT B-52G, Early Version. I plan to finish it in the natural metal over white with the AGM-28 Hound Dog missiles. This is the configuration of the aircraft of the 456th BombWing at Beale AFB, California, when I was first assigned there in 1965. The flight deck will not have ejection seats for the EWO and the Gunner as I cannibalized these two seats for a B-52D I am also building. You can’t see that area anyway once the fuselage is put together. I drilled out several vent holes on the engine pods, but forgot to turn one over for the picture. Comments welcome.
That’s looking good. Now here is a little B-52 story. I work in a paint removal job shop that deals heavily with the military. A few years ago we got several B-52 ejection seats in to have all the coatings removed. The customer was restoring these ejection seats to use as conference room chairs – imagine in your best Austin Powers mode, you’re sitting in Doctor Evil’s conference room and he does not like the report you are giving him and the little finger starts inching towards that red ejection button. Suddenly your seat is not feeling that comfortable, no, not comfortable at all.
Are those seat cushions red or orange? Man, those are bright. I miss the good old days of interior green or zinc chromate![:)]
How big is the overall model? I’m guessing 1/72 scale? I look forward to seeing more pics, as well. I especially like the connection of the plane to where you were stationed. It gives the build a little more meaning.
Is anyone producing a decent “H” model yet? I’ll be watching your build closely, the BUFF was my first assignment at Minot, and although she ain’t as pretty as my last baby she’ll always hold a special place in my heart.[swg]
Awesome Darwin. When I put together the cockpit of my BONE I wasn’t sure if red was the right color. I guess they wanted to be fashionable whilst flying??[%-)]
Another B-52G Seat story. I was a Fire Control (Turrets) Tech. It always made me Nervous when you sat down in the seat, & pulled the ArmRests up. The Ejection seat handles popped up from the arm rests. As I recall the seat cushions on our birds, 42nd BW, Loring AFB early 60’s were the Sage green color.