Has anyone built this beast? She sure is ugly[:P]. Thinking fo picking one up, and wanted to know if there is any major issues to look out for. TIA Barry
Guess I should have used spell check this morning[|)]
[:D] hi,i got my kit from AFV,not built yet,it looks like a good kit and you can get a kit for the interior ,sorry not much help[:(] have a good time .[:D]
This may be of assistance?
LVTP-5 Build review
Terry A
It builds up nicely. No real issues. The bogie assemblies and side walls are a little tricky to get all sandwiched in together, but no real problems. Leave off the upper run of track that is hidden inside the hull to make it a little easier on yourself. I put a scratch-built interior in mine. The gaping interior and huge hatches scream to have the interior detail added. I highly recommend it. It is a great kit.
Hobby Fan does a resin interior set for it too, but it is way overpriced, about $100.
This has nothing to do with a review of this model, but I blew up a LVTP-5 with a M-21 landmine back in 1991 during a training exercise. The explosion lifted the amtrak and moved it a yard. Heheheā¦
[:D] i would have liked to see that being done,.[:D]