Astrokit 1:48 Bf -110C-D???

Anyone have an opinion on the Astrokit 1:48 Bf -110C-D… As opposed to going to the trouble of converting a Monogram Bf -110G, if possible??? I want to build a BoB Zerstorer. In short, what is the quality of the Astrokit version??? Also, I’m having trouble nailing down a Fujimi Bf-110C… So the Astrokit seems to be my only option…



you can find the fujimi kit at hobbylink japan…i’ve got stuff from there before without issue…

hope this helps…


Thats funny! I finally found that Fujmi BF110 C/D!! There it was 2 of them. Theres more if you can get that IMPS convention!!! Look for the Hobbylink Japan booth. Its right the bottom stack. Sorry, thats MEAN. But its really there!

Thanks for the link…
