Anyone have an opinion on the Astrokit 1:48 Bf -110C-D… As opposed to going to the trouble of converting a Monogram Bf -110G, if possible??? I want to build a BoB Zerstorer. In short, what is the quality of the Astrokit version??? Also, I’m having trouble nailing down a Fujimi Bf-110C… So the Astrokit seems to be my only option…
you can find the fujimi kit at hobbylink japan…i’ve got stuff from there before without issue…
hope this helps…
Thats funny! I finally found that Fujmi BF110 C/D!! There it was 2 of them. Theres more if you can get that IMPS convention!!! Look for the Hobbylink Japan booth. Its right the bottom stack. Sorry, thats MEAN. But its really there!