I couldn’t resist guys…

“Somehow, roll over just doesn’t cut it…”

1986 - Cobra crews learn a hard lesson about what happens when one steals the Scout’s Debbie Gibson tapes.

“Y’know boys, the key to formation aerobatics is to first get off the ground!”

In the words of Seymour Skinner “Has the world gone topsy turvy?”

But seriously, what’s doin’ there?


Not really sure. Looks like hurricane damage (the Kiowa’s got a twisted rotor blade). Those big slab-sided Cobras blow over pretty easily in hurricane-force winds!

“Very good, next time try using the skids”

“Ain’t Cobra-tipp’n fun!”

I told ya you can teach an old cobra new tricks Gunny

or Ya never know what those army guys will do first with the mascot now THIS! ! !

(let’s see who gets this one. . .Jon? Sal? )


[(-D][(-D][(-D] Stop it, you’re killing me. Way funny.[(-D][(-D][(-D]

Rats! I hate it when that happens!

Joe, we better get out of here before someone blames this on us.

It’s a new distance record in the Cobra toss.

Knew “Raid” kills bugs, didn’t think it killed snakes

Oh my gentle Jesus…the Chief ain’t gonna like dis…nope not one bit…

Close PapaE. . .


So, uh…what’s wrong with this picture? Those snakes are just sunning themselves. [^]

I didn’t think a wheels up landing would be so easy. I did four times in 20 minutes.

That bottom paint should be dry in an hour or so.

Jon will get this one…

“Man, I thought my Kiowa’s farts were bad!”

(Singing…) “One of these choppers is not like the others, which one could it be?”


guess the navy been training again