I just received Andreas flesh paint set that has painting instructions. This might sound dumb but it gives you two different base, light and shadow colors. Are you supposed to use them all on the same figure or is it more for Variety, any advice would be welcomed
I never was able to figure that out, either. I think you’re supposed to use only one set of colors, either dark or light. I just used my instincts and ignored the instructions and it worked out pretty well.
Tank, The set should have come with instructions. If you have what I think you have, you use the base that best simulates the base skin tone of your figure, a darker base for a person of mediterranean origin and a lighter base for a person of northern European origin, for example. Of course, we know that skin tone for people from these regions is not that specific, but that’s the idea for the two base colors. Barrett
this guy did a seminar on painting with that set at this years ipms roscoe turner
Could I get a scan or photo copy of Andrea Flesh Tones instructions?