Well I HOPE this is not a typical model kit from this company.
As some of you k now, I’m brand new to modeling…minus a little fun when I was younger, and more recently miniature painting.
So I picked up some kits of cars I thought were neat…this being one.
The model is a little strange…but it seemed like it would be fun…
However comma
They didn’t include clear plastic’s for the windows. Not that they just weren’t included in my kit…no, that would be easily solved. No the real problem is the kit has no pieces for the windows what-so-ever. None in the instructions, not included. They included a clear cover for the bonnet’s (or hood), but somehow, this kit came out of the factory…and nobody ever noticed it didn’t have windows.
Please tell me this is not typical…I don’t want to have to scratch build plastic windows for all of my models.
This may seem like a small problem to some of y’all…but me…I think I want windows on my cars…grumble…
So, either it’ll be scratch built windows…or I have the first car for my junkyard diorama…
Suggestiosn anyone?
Is it difficult to cut clear plastic for these windows? Or is it something you have to cast?
Any ideas would be welcome…
That is not typical in my experience. Most auto kits have a seperate ‘clear’ sprue that has the windows, headlights, etc mounted to it. But, you also say that there is not any reference to windows in the the instructions?? A couple of things:
- the windows can be replicated with a sheet of clear acetate that is cut to size and glued in from the back. In fact alot of ‘advanced’ modellers do this on all of their cars because the acetate has a more scale thickness and is usually more ‘clear’ and less ‘distorted’.
- for headlights, you can mix up some clear epoxy and put it into the headlight bucket. It will dry rock hard and stay clear like a lens. Many guys do this on dashboard instruments to make them look like they have a ‘glass’ covering.
I’m surprised the kit would be designed this way??
Yeah I was shocked about the windows too. They provided a clear bonnet for the hood, and headlights…but no windows…
Upon looking closer at the model on the cover, you can tell it has no windows either…grumble…
Acetate cut to size and glued in…hmmm…I may have to look into that…I’ve always loved the late 30’s chevy cars…(my mother drives a 37 every day)…so I’ll have to look into that…
Where would one find these sheets of acetate? I would guess a normal hobby store…I’ll check with Michaels and HObby lobby tomorrow…
Thanks M
Just wanted you to know that not including windows is NOT typical of car models. Please do not judge all by one lemon. Keep on looking into car modeling, it is very rewarding!
Most guys that I know get acetate around the house. Many items are ‘packaged’ with a clear film over it. For instance, most die-cast cars come in boxes that have a clear ‘window’ on a couple edges of the box so you can see the car. This is the stuff that people use. It’s thin, clear and bends easily to fit into the body. You can find it on almost anything if you look around hard enough.
You can probably buy it from a hobby store too, but free is good too…
Good luck!! You’re building skills that you never intended to!!