Alternate history battleships

In the past I had fun reinventing battleships by swapping parts around.

Here is a BBG version of Nagato, based on the US battleship Mississippi testing SAMs.

Here is a version of the KGV if she’d been built earlier with 15" guns

A Soviet 1950s battlecruiser based on a drawing I found on a Russian site.

I’ve more, which I’ll post later if people are interested. And I’m certain I’m not the only one who has such strange ideas!


These are great! Yeah, post more when you can.

First and third ships remind me of the Nelson, Rodney class.

Bring 'em on Joe! :+1:This indeed does look like an interesting thread.

One option for the battleship when she was docked in Camden:

The Gneisenau recovered, repaired, and granted to the Netherlands post WW2. They had ordered such a vessel from Germany before the outbreak of war.