♠ Allied Aces GB (WW1 -WW2) April 2006 Start - Sept 2006 Finish

Welcome to the Allied Aces Group build!

We are underway!


  • Starts April 2nd, 2006 and ends September 30th, 2006 (6 months!)

  • Open to anyone interested in building an AIRCRAFT flown by an ACE (5+Victories).

  • Any scale

  • AM, PE, resin - what ever you want to put on your airplane to make it more authentic.

  • Have fun!!!

- History on the ace you choose is highly encouraged!

  • This covers all Allied Aces from WW1 and WW2. That means, British, Canadian, American, Russian, Australian, French - anyone who fought against the Kaiser/Austro-Hungarian Empire for WW1 and for WW2, Nazi Germany, Japan or any of the axis powers.

  • Generally, an ace has been defined as a pilot who has shot down 5 or more enemy aircraft. For WW1 it started at 10 but for WW2 it was brought down to 5, not sure why though. For this build I am going with 5 or more victories.

To help you out with your choice of aces there are numerous websites out there with lists, two of my favourites are these:



Here are the badges you can use, please down load them to your own website if you can. Also if you are serious about joining this build, by all means add one to your sig, otherwise please refrain from doing a badge grab.

List of those interested/participating and their subject:

Jay - Spitfire Mk.IXc flown by Douglas Lindsey, RCAF - 7.5 victories

JoeRugby - P-51D flown by Chuck Yeager, USAAF - 12.5 victories - completed and displayed on Page 19

Terminator (Conner) - P-51B flown by Chuck Yeager, USAAF - 12.5 victories. Completed and Displayed on Page 12

Rick - P-47D Bubbletop flown by Glenn Eagleson, USAAF - 18.5 victoies

Tanky - maybe a La-7 flown by Alexie Kumanichkin, USSR - 35 victories

Wooverstone8 - SpadXIII flown by Eddie Rickenbacker, USAAC - 26 victories

Jeeves - F-4F Wildcat flown by John Thach, USN - 7 victories

Karl - Nieuport 11 flown by Georges Guynemer, FAS - 54 victories and a Nieuport 17 flown by Dormer, FAS - Victories ?

Bob Bailey - P-51A Mustang flown by John J England, USAAF - 10 victories

Marc - Spitfire Mk.Vb flown by Donald Morrison, RCAF - 5.33 victories completed and displayed on Page 25

Richard - F-6F-3 Hellcat flown by Alexander Vraciu, USN - 19 victories

Kingthad - P-47D flown by Robert Yaeger, USAAF - 5 victories

Jules - Sopwith Triplane flown by Robert Little, RFC - 47 victories

Waikong - Curtiss Hawk III flown by Aurther Chin, Chinese AF - 9 victories

Deathbringer - Hurricane Mk.IIc flown by Karel Kuttelwascher, RAF - 18 victories or a Spitfire Mk.XIV flown by Colin F. Gray, RAF - 27 victories.

Darren - P-47D flown by Fred Christenson, USAAF - 22 victories

Wing_nut - maybe

Ga.modelmaker - F-4U1a flown by Ike Kepford, USN - 17 victories and an F-6F, flown by David McCampbell, USN - 34 victories.

Tom - some sort of fringe build [swg]

Rudy_102 - P-47D flown by Francis Gabreski, USAAF - 28 victories

ygmodeler4 - F-4F-F flown by Marion E. Carl, USMC - 18.5 victories

PZL P.62 - P-51D flown by John D Landers, USAAF - 14.5 victories

PakNick-40 - P-51D flown by Louis Curdes, USAAF - 10 victories

Willjanuary - Spitfire Mk. II flown by Douglas Bader - 23 victories

Panzerwulf - Yak-1 flown by Lilya Litvyak - USSR - 12 victories

Osher - P-51D flown by John C. Meyer - USAAF - 24 victories

Espins - P-51D flown by John C. Meyer - USAAF - 24 victories

Cudamav - Yak-1 flown by Lilya Litvyak - USSR - 12 victories

TryingtoModel - P-51D flown by John C. Meyer - USAAF - 24 victories - completed and displayed on Page 18

Bship1969 - undeclared

Oleander13 - P-40E flown by Robert Vaught - USAAF - 5 victories

dave23 - p-47D flown by Quince Brown - USAAF - 12 victories - completed and displayed on Page 24

YES !!![:D]

I am in with two P51 Mustangs…one B and one D, both for Yeager…I know the B was the model he was shot down in, but why not! The D will be in the OD finish with the “5” model fuselage (sans fin fillet)…

Great Call Jay !!!

Oh Sure, Count me in. I’ll do a Tamiya 1/48 P-47-D Bubble Top, as flown by Maj. Glenn T. Eagleston. Ninth AF, 354th FG, France, 1944.

Regards, Rick

Yep, count me in too. Build TBA at a later date! [tup]

JoeRugby, Rick and Dave I got you added to the list. Thanks for joining![:)]

put me down as a possible. if i don’t get to my la-7 by then, I’ll do that.

wow!! I’m impressed! you remembered I wasn’t doing kozhedub!

Hmmm… I heard rumors of this build somewhere and now here it is.[:D]

Could you put me down please for a SPAD XIII flown by Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker. I don’t have a kit at this moment, but I’m planning to go with a Hobbycraft in 1/32 scale.

Please put me down for Tamiya’s 1/48 Wildcat-- I will build it up to represent John “Jimmy” Thach’s mount around the time of Midway…

Jay, I’m in.

Not sure what I’ll go for, possibilities at present:

  • Roland Garros’ Moraine Saulnier N type. ( I think he qualifies as an ace?)
  • Pierre Clostermann’s Tempest, 33 victories, probably the 1/72 offering from Academy.

Having typed that, it may well all change.


Jay-count me in. 1/48th P-40C as flown by Robert Neal, AVG. My research shows 13 kills.

Thanks in advance for organizing & hosting. Gonna be another good one!

Jay Sign me up. I’ll probably do a Spitfire MK Vb Donald Morrison RCAF 401 Sqn or William Klersey’s MK IXb RCAF 401 Sqn. I’ll let you know after a trip to my LHS the one I chose.

I feel another ME to ME gift comming on [:D].



Wooverstone, Jeeves, Karl, Bob and Marc, I have updated the first page, welcome! Yes Bob, I think this one will be a good one. [:P]


I would like to jump into the build with an Hasegawa 1/32 F6F-3 from VF-6 flown by Alexander Vraciu (final count 19 victories) flown off the U.S.S Intrepid.


This is shaping up to be a good one!…One question for everyone…does anyone have two spare 1/72 black 6 decals for Yeager’s NMF Glamorous Glennis III? (you know the funny looking “long necked” one) I checked my research material last night and found I will need these for the OD Green P51D-5 model I plan to do…I do not have these in my spares and have a hard time justifying purchasing an entire sheet for two small decals…trade would be good and I will cover postage for sure…

Jay put me down, but I have to look in the stash to see what falls out


Richard and Thad, I’ve got you on the first page now, I wonder where our Aussie friends are?..

So I take it, no one has seen my little challenge, it has been there since I first posted this GB. There is a prize for the first person to get it…[swg]

billy bishop

chuck yeager

ivan kozhedub

david mcacmpbell

the famous douglas bader

john landers

james “johnnie” johnson

for the last badge I have no iudea, but it’s a lightning so I’m going to guess Richard Ira Bong

and of course, charles nungesser

do i win something?

i make a bit of a hobby out of studying aces you see.

How did I know you’d be the first…Don’t underestimate yourself Tanky. You had an idea on the last one and your idea was correct, yes I picked Bong’s P-38. What you get is my undying adoration and praise for being an excellent study of all things about ACES!

Now for the second part of the challenge! you forgot their mounts![;)]

you want the name and designation of the plane? or nickname or something? [:)]