Airfix B-25 kit.

I just bought a second hand B25 kit of Airfix make. The kit seems to be out of production and no one seems to have made it as I do not find any reviews online… If anyone has has made it before can they please tell me the plus and minus points of the kit and any other tips… Or any source of info available on it…Cos being a beginner I tend to look out for potetial Boo boos and be more careful…

Thank you,


Tips for beginners:

When glueing parts together,use as litle glue as possible.

Use white glue on canopies/clear parts.

You will probably make some boo-boo’s on some of the first kits you bulid so buy inexpensive kits until you get better.

I picked up tthis kit about 12 years ago and it’s still sitting around. The reason I didn’t build it is that it doesn’t look like the best kit of a B-25. I wasn’t impressed by the loose parts falling of the sprues or the interior detail, but this doesn’t bother many people in 1/72 scale.

I have instead since picked up the Monogram-Revel 1/48 B-25. A much nicer looking kit. I plan to build it this summer.

I began building that same kit a few years ago. I said that i BEGAN, because i never got the courage to finish it! It looked just so awfully simple that the will to carry on just went down the drain! It’s just too basic ( at least for me! ). So… it ended up in the hands of my 4 year old kid. In conclusion i can’t therefore recomend it!
Happy moddeling!

i built one 6 yrs ago, and it was missing the wings!

i built one quite a few years ago as the doolittle raider from the tv documentary b25s do fly imc. It took quite a bit of work (and sanding) but the result was quite good. -quick tip- cut all the rivets off it and use them on a 1/32 scale tank kit. even if a kit is poor you could still build it just to practise on. have a good time building it …Gregers

I built one of these a numer of years ago. All I remember was all those huge (for 1/72) rivets! I would sand those off, and avoid doing it in a bare-metal scheme.

Over the years I have built several of these. Today there are a couple of better kits out there, but if you are willing to put the effort into it, the Airfix kit can be made into a pretty good model. I would suggest you sand off the legendary Airfix rivets (The guy who put them on the model had a cousin who worked over at Matchbox, he was the one who made canyons for panel lines). The clear parts are awfully thick and the frames are awfully tall, sand them down and use them for molds for vacuformed clear parts. It just depends on how much you want to do and how comfortable you are doing it[^]

I built this kit when it first came out and thought that it was great! How times change. If you’re just starting out it isn’t all that bad. As others have said sand,cut,scrape off all the rivets. I think the toolmaker who made the molds started out as a boilermaker!
Look the kit aint all that bad so give it a go.

Hello there and thank you very much…

Woah… nearly forgot I sent this mail and nearly forgot I had the kit!! to sand out rivets and make new ones requirs a lot of time… something the Army here dont give!! SO I’ll have to wait for my block leave!! Thanks guys for the valuable help!!


Hey Nand;
I’ve built that kit many years ago, but the good thing was that the kit has a bunch of options for the noses, you got the greenhouse(J), the 4 gun + 75 mm Cannon (H), and the 8 gun(J-2), and the kit was okay it has it’s vises, and I think everyone went over them, also the kit has operational landing gear and crew hatchs that open, to make the kit a really nice piece it’ll take some extra work but you could build it and give it away, the best B-25’s in 1/72 scale I think would be the Italeri’s(Testors) until someone else comes out with it in that scale, but for now if you want more bag for you buck I’d go with the Italeri(Testors), they’re a little more expensive but worth it
Ugly Butt Effective Hawgs