Oh! So Glad to be here. I have had to find a very Old,Old back door to do it too! It’s also slow as cool Molasses! But I know ya’ll are trying to figger this mess out. Thank You for being here. Even if I only pass in , and out again. this site is a real boost for my morale.
I believe that American computer users will find with the banning of certain websites the Internet will be a mean place for a while, So folks will have time to untangle the mess and get back to business as usual. See, there are times Computers Suck!
When it’s outside your capabilities and the host you’re trying to reach is befuddled with B.S. it can be frustrating. I thank the Kalmbach F.S.M. teams and the whole staff from Tim and Aaron all the way to I.T. thanks for working so hard for us your posters and forum members.
Not sure what’s going on but I was not able to get on this site for the last 4 or 5 days. I thought it was my old computer. What is going on ? Does anyone know?
I haven’t been able to get in for days and when I finally did a few days ago the system wouldn’t let me log in. Today it seems to finally be working great. Hopefully it stays that way.
yeah, I seemed to be able get here with no problems either.I do hope the problem is resolved. Those days without, unplanned like they are, cause me withdrawal symptoms, even if I don’t post! T.B.