If anyone is still looking for an AH-6J Littlebird, as many were a while back, one is currently on eBay.
No connection, just saw it there.
Let the feeding frenzy begin!! Good luck.
If anyone is still looking for an AH-6J Littlebird, as many were a while back, one is currently on eBay.
No connection, just saw it there.
Let the feeding frenzy begin!! Good luck.
What are you trying to do, HeavyArty, set off WWIII? As wanted as that kit is around these parts, the bidding could get pretty intense. Of course, I am above all of that now that I have 2 of these babies sitting in my stash! (Insert favorite evil, maniacal laughter here) And my wife asked me if I was going to send one back when I got the second one from Roll Models.
Good luck and good hunting to the rest of you that are after this kit!
Hmm … I had no idea that was a sought after kit. One of the local hobby shops in my area has one on the shelf. Its been there forever. Guess I should go buy it.
There are two kits that are like the Holy Grail to helo-modellers; one is this AH-6J and the other is the Vietnam Helo Crew.
Might take my chance on this one. I already have one but I need another one for the BHD-Project …
About the cover art … the Warthog is banking left and the LittleBird is shooting a slope to the right … might be some airframe contact coming up there …
Bet that would make the AirO’s “pucker factor” go up exponentially. Need a little work on their deconfliction there, don’t they?
I still kick myself for tossing one of these into the trash for minor builder screw-ups and then finding it out it was OOP/the Hope Diamond of helo kits…
Still there. No bids on it…
That’s good! Hopefully that means it won’t get out of hand. But I guarantee you and I aren’t the only ones watching it.
[}:)] Nope… nobody else is watching. [X-)]
I just rubbed my crystal ball and saw it go over $35.00 in the last five minutes … anyone wanna make another guess?
I consulted my financial advisor and she said its going to be somewhere around 38.50.[:O]
Alright… who bid on it?
Guess somebody just couldn’t control themselves. Wasn’t me. I already have another in the stash. Will build it up to go with its MH-6J MELB brother…eventually…
)))) What was the final price? Around 40$?
For this money I’ll convert my OH-6A Cayuse into MH-6 )))))
I dont think its over yet.
Its up to 40 or so now. How much would you pay?[?]
I got one off ebay back in mid January for around $18 + $4 shipping…poor sods… [}:)]
I’ll give you 25 for it.
So I paid $41.00 dollars for it… .sue me! I’m sick… just sick I tell you… and what happens on ebay stays on ebay. My wife will kill me.
Well, if you have to have it, guess that it is worth it. Now you have to get the Cobra Company set for another $25. Really is a nice set, if you want to build it as a MELB with people planks., otherwise, it will make a nice gunship straight from the box.
Good luck and have fun.