AFV HAWK and a question too.

Pretty fun kit. Curious if anyone knows what the prime mover would have been. 1/4 or 3/4 ton? I’m sure that’s all they needed unless there was a load of other equipment they moved as well.

MIM-23 HAWK by Glenn Hanson, on Flickr

Also does anyone know the model of this track? I snapped it when we were loading the 6/9 arty 175’s on rail cars for Graf. during my last 6 mo’s service.

towing service by Glenn Hanson, on Flickr

Very nice job on the Hawk.

I’m not 100% sure, but i think thats an M88. If so its based on the US M48 and M60. AFV Club does a several of versions of it in 35th, a couple of German ones and a US option.[]=Kits&q=M88&fkSCALENORMALISED[]="1:00035"&fkTYPENAME[]="Full%20kits"

Thanks! I’ll have a look. I was looking at images. This guy Pavel must sell builds. Some nice work.

The ARV is a M88.

Looking at this photo, the battery is hauled by 5tons. I want to say that there were three launchers and two radars in a Battery, plus command and reload vehicles.

The prime mover for the HAWK missile system was the M501, a small, tracked vehicle that doubled to hold three missles for reload as well.

It could also be pulled by a 2 1/2 ton truck (M35).

The tracked vehicle picture is an M88 as used in the '60s and '70s. It is available from AFV Club.

Interesting. So either they threw the whole contraption on the back of a five ton or towed it with something that looks like it’s top speed was about 7MPH. Thanks for the info guys. I may do that recovery build next. I thought I saw that the AFV club RVN was out of print. I’ll look again for that box art.

The straight M88 A-nothing is very rare; it was a minor retool of the M88A1. AFV Club issued a couple of versions, the Vietnam era M88 and the modern M88A1. That version was also reboxed by Revell of Germany as the M88A1G along with some modern Bundeswehr parts. The RoG version will not build into a US vehicle.

The kit is highly regarded, even though it is over 25 years old. Most people would welcome a repop of the Nam era M88. Because of this, the A1 runs about $30 and the A-nothing about $50.

The 5 tons were used to transport the missiles to a Hawk site. The tractor was to place the missile and launchers in the specific firing location and to service the missiles (reload).

I used to have an uncle twice removed who commanded a Hawk battery, wish I could ask him. Two radars were used, one was to acquire targets, the other was Track-to-Target.

So, the question will be if the radar used one or two command modules, and if those were on 2.5s or 5s.

My uncle talked about being “chaufeured” in a 1.5t Kaiser-Jeep as his “command vehicle.”

They had a prety serious “tail” on manouvers for all the stuff that was wanted. Like commo wire , and all the battery interconnection wire and cable.