Adult ebay ship model link??

You can click on the following link it will take you to the model ships section, scrool down, and tell me what you see. Are my eyes playing tricks on me or what. Trust me you see it, I wonder how ebay let this get past the adult screening.


Whoa dude! That’s a fish! If you enter your information, they’ll suck you dry. Avoid this link!

I did not see the “item” your link posts to, but if it what I think it is I had it on my browser when I went to that URL. Reported it to ebay (thought it was a scam) and it no longer shows up. But that was 2 days ago and I haven’t seen it since then - thought it was gone from the site. Wonder why I don’t see it and you can? Somethings weird here… as last poster said, stay away from it.

Uhhhh . . . what are we supposed to be seeing?

Never mind, Ebay has cleaned it up!

/\ Nope, I still see it…

EDIT: Nope, they just removed it. Good way to get attention though [:p]

I don’t know where Folcraft is in the US or how they are shipping her. One thing I do know is she has a very cold hinney.


Now there’s a different one! [;)]

Wow! I bet rigging that would be a blast. The hull is beautiful.

It must be some kind of submarine. You can tell by those two huge ballast tanks… :slight_smile:

The ones I’m seeing are bikini clad girls or just a bum or a breast peeking out, and when you click on the link, you are directed to the ebay log-in page. However, two things, one, I was already logged in and two, and the text was not the same style as the authenic page.
It seems that ebay is chocked full of phish listings like this one. I came across about four just today.
