Hi All !
I am just about to start on Academy’s Tiger Tank (the one with the interior Details).
Has anyone got any handy hints on this one ???
Any comments will be appreciated.
Hi All !
I am just about to start on Academy’s Tiger Tank (the one with the interior Details).
Has anyone got any handy hints on this one ???
Any comments will be appreciated.
Hello, Horry1. Demono69 here.
Believe it or not, I am working on the same kit. I do have few tips to ease the construction…
If you have any more questions, feel free to drop me a line. Hope it helps a little.
Thanks Demono69 for those tips.
Just 1 more question, what colour scheme did you paint the exterior ???
I was thinking of the Pazer Grey.
G’Day from OZ
I’m also using a lighter grey, in keeping with the Russian Front paint schemes.
I built it a couple of years ago. It comes out rather well. Wouldn’t make a good diorama vehicle as you wnat to show off all that interior detail, and the deck pieces don’t seat that well with all the interior parts. You probably want to get some PE stuff like engine screens and fenders to make it look even better
lol…I am building the same kit… But I have just got past the first couple of steps… And this is gonna be a long project…[:p]
hi horry1 i to have just started on the mid production interior tiger . i am also from australia, melbourne to be presise . it’s going to b good fun building. anyway good luck from a fellow aussie
I started it years ago and still have not finished it. I was too naughty to modify the internal left and right ammo storage to carry 4 rounds on each sides. (that’s from photo ref book)
So, the width of that box exceed the hull turrent circular cut out ring that the upper part won’t mate fit to hull.
Might do it later as display mode.