is the academy m1a1 out of scale? the box that i got mine in says 1/35 on the front, but 1/48 on the sides. When next to a 1/35 humvee, they are about the same height. is this the proper proportion?
Sounds little strange to me…seems to me the Abrahms should be bigger. See if you can find any real photos of humvees next to Abrahms tanks and eyeball it. Or, if you know the acutual dimentions of a real M1A1, do this: Grab your calculator, then take the actual length of the tank in feet and times it by 12. This converts the length to inches. Then, divide the length in inches by the scale of your model, say 35 for 1/35 scale. The number you get should be the approximate length of an M1A1 in 1/35 scale in inches. Now, measure your kit and see if the numbers match. If your tank is a few inches smaller, it’s probably a 1/48 scale kit. You can do the same process over again and divide by 48 (for 1/48 scale) and see if that comes out to the length of your kit.
Academy recently released the the Zhengdefu 1/48 scale motorized tank toys. You may have gotten one of those. Are your tracks basically big rubber bands? The roof of a HMMWV should only reach about a foot higher than the top of the hull (I am looking at one parked next to an M1 out my window). Unless your HMMWV is the M996 ambulance. They may be about as tall as an M1 is high. Additionally if you have the HMMWV kit with the cargo cover over the troop compartment, that “doghouse” makes the rear of the HMMWV as tall as a tank.
I was looking at the model without the turret on, and on the inside of the floor plate it says 1/35 M1A1. so, is the Academy hummer out of scale? i doubt it, cuz they seem to have the most comprhensive humvee line.
I’ll have a photo taken of a HMMWV next to an M1 for you. I’ll also take a photo of my HMMWV kit next to one of my Abrams kits.
Both of my HMMWVs are in the bay being used for classes, but I took a photo of a CUCV (Chevy pickup truck) next to the Abrams. It is about the same height as the HMMWV and should help you determine the size difference.
Both the Academy HMMWV and M1A1 are sized properly in 1/35 scale.
Here is a picture, let’s see if I can make it appear:
Major G,
Hey wait a sec! That’s an IPM1! We’ve still got em in the inventory? I thought everything had been upgraded to A1 standard. Well, I’ll be!
Yes, I have two M1A1s, one is a Detroit tank, the other a Lima, Ohio tank and I have two IPs. I have to maintain them since there are some units in the Army (National Guard only) that still have them and if they show up at my school, I have to be able to pull out the proper equipment. I still have an old M901 ITV, M548 Ammo Carriers and M578 Light Recovery Vehicles that are likewise just taking up space. At least with the IPs, the procedures are still the same for pulling and splitting the pack as for an A1 or A2.