Academy 1/48 USN F3F-2

Just completed this “ Fighting Six “ Acedemy kit I received for Xmas. My first Academy build and hopefully not the last. All paint is Tamiya spray cans except the tail feathers which I brushed a mix of Apple Barrel acrylics.


Nicely built! Although this kit came in an Academy box, it is actually an Accurate Minuatures molding originally. When that company folded, Academy obtained the molds.

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That’s a beaut, @Shoop1 – love the vibrant colors. Pretty impressive that you rattlecanned it. How’d you find the rigging – that’s OOB?

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VERY good build @Shoop1. These old Accurate Miniatures molds are some of the best out there and back in the day they were ahead of their time. Really sucked when those guys closed the doors.

Good color usage and application and the rigging looks great! What did you use for the rigging on this?

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Thank you!
The rigging is PE parts included with the kit.

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Thank you sir! The rigging is included as PE parts in the kit.

Amazing how the colours “punch”. Great looking build!