I use any paint brand… specially Model Master and Humbrol… I want to paint my Mig 15 red in the upper surfaces… It seems like Red Hu 19 (Humbrol)… but someone told me that it’s Scarlet Hu 60… well, I dont know if this Scarlet is a gloss paint… I want my plane with a gloss finish… and as Hu 60 is almost impossinle to get in my country (for now)… here is my question… did this color, Hu 60, have an equivalent in Model Master or Testors?.. I hope you can help me…
Humbrol 60, red, is matt.
First, were are you located? Second, Do you have an airbrush?
Any paint job can be made gloss with a gloss over coat (future works real well for this, that where the were are you located questions come into play.)
You want a nice glossy scarlet? MM Guards Red. Beautiful shade. I’m hooked on it, though in the few decent color contemporary photos from the 50s, Mig reds I’ve seen are darker than the stars they used for the national insignia, so you might be getting a little redder than is realistic. Modern civilian MiG owners tend to paint them redder than the business end of a baboon, and that plants unrealistic notions in the heads of some modelers because these bright reds are so darned pretty they are seductive, but not realistic.
As has been said, just spray a clear glosscoat over the model if the paint is flat and you want it gloss.